HomeResidents in JapanWhat are some “everyone should experience this at least once” yearly events in Japan (festivals, exhibitions, etc) in your opinion?
Moved here in March. I have a lot of free time and no major budgetary concerns (as far as travel fees, I mean), so most places and activities are on the table. Any recommendations? Looking for things this year to fill my calendar with. TYIA!
Climb mt. Fuji. I just did it and I can’t recommend it enough
Spending a day or two around fuji’s lake area at festival day is always interesting to me. Cycling around lake, watching people preparing for festival, crowds coming in, hanabi, cleanup.
Now that it’s summer, there WILL be fireworks festivals everywhere every single weekend. Mostly Saturdays.
I’ve actually just come home from a fireworks festival in our city today.
Tenjin matsuri if you can go to Osaka. It’s held on the 24th and 25th July (the 25th is the main event with fireworks). It’s one of the biggest summer festivals in Japan.
Personally, Edogawa firework festival.
Climbing Mt. Fuji
Go to a natural onsen (Gifu prefecture have plenty)
Cycle through Shimanami Kaidou, preferrably at peak spring.
For me, Tokyo Game Show
Rock in Japan
I really enjoyed the Jesus festival in Shingo. As an ex christian, it was fun.
BTW, I meant the English meaning of the word “fun”, not the Japanese meaning. (LOL)
if your budget knows no limit and want to travel like bourgeoisie in Japan, try to book the “Shikishima shinkansen” from JR. Basically it’s a hotel-bullet train travel across Honshu to Hokkaido enjoy the finest local gourmet experiences, local nouveau riche love em
I always go to Hino Shinsengumi Matsuri every year around May. Its free, just a few train rides from Tokyo and also looks really cool. Plus points for me coz my relatives live there so free lunch/dinner 😄
The Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki is also a fun experience.
Climb mt. Fuji. I just did it and I can’t recommend it enough
Spending a day or two around fuji’s lake area at festival day is always interesting to me.
Cycling around lake, watching people preparing for festival, crowds coming in, hanabi, cleanup.
Ultra and Supersonic
The Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks show in Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture.
It’s held on the 2nd and 3rd, August in every year.
It is for the repose of the soul of people died during the air raid of Nagaoka in 1945.
Bon odori
Nebuta matsuri
Sapporo yuki matsuri
yearly events? fuck my japanese ex-wife.
Tejikara Fire Festival. Mental
I always want to go to the [Nebuta festival](https://www.google.com/search?q=aomori+nebuta+festival&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjzos7d47OAAxVWsVYBHXEKCdgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=aomori+festi&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMgUIABCABDIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgcIABAYEIAEMgcIABAYEIAEMgcIABAYEIAEMgcIABAYEIAEMgcIABAYEIAEOgQIIxAnOgcIABCKBRBDOgYIABAFEB5QpiJY6EBgp01oAHAAeAGAAZQEiAGDEZIBCzYuNC4xLjEuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=cvPEZPOhFdbi2roP8ZSkwA0&bih=812&biw=1760) in Aomori. Looks cool as fuck.
Hatsumode at a temple of your choice
Now that it’s summer, there WILL be fireworks festivals everywhere every single weekend. Mostly Saturdays.
I’ve actually just come home from a fireworks festival in our city today.
Tenjin matsuri if you can go to Osaka. It’s held on the 24th and 25th July (the 25th is the main event with fireworks). It’s one of the biggest summer festivals in Japan.
Personally, Edogawa firework festival.
Climbing Mt. Fuji
Go to a natural onsen (Gifu prefecture have plenty)
Cycle through Shimanami Kaidou, preferrably at peak spring.
For me, Tokyo Game Show
Rock in Japan
I really enjoyed the Jesus festival in Shingo. As an ex christian, it was fun.
BTW, I meant the English meaning of the word “fun”, not the Japanese meaning. (LOL)
if your budget knows no limit and want to travel like bourgeoisie in Japan, try to book the
“Shikishima shinkansen” from JR.
Basically it’s a hotel-bullet train travel
across Honshu to Hokkaido enjoy the finest local gourmet experiences, local nouveau riche love em
I always go to Hino Shinsengumi Matsuri every year around May. Its free, just a few train rides from Tokyo and also looks really cool. Plus points for me coz my relatives live there so free lunch/dinner 😄
The Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki is also a fun experience.
[Sendai Tanabata](https://www.sendaitanabata.com/en) (Aug 6~8, always a fixed date every year)
Go for the fireworks on August 5th, stay for all 3 days to see Sendai come to life and be a huge party town within those days.
Bonus: it’s cooler there too because of the trees.