Renewing Working Visa

Hello. I’d like to ask you a question about my renewing visa. I’m switching jobs and I have a concern regarding my situation right now. Before I went here to Japan I put in my CV that my highest educational background was a high school grad but I have a degree in IT. Why did I do that? Because 7 years ago a friend of mine told me to put in my CV that I am a high school grad and it was much easier for me to work in Japan. Now, I am editing my CV and I’m undecided if I will declare in my CV that I have a degree. My question is if I put in my CV that I have a college diploma would the immigration notice it? Does the immigration office need a CV when renewing a visa? My visa is SSW1 and I’m planning to apply for another job category. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Never volunteer information to Immigration. Their job is to find a way to not give you a visa. Never volunteer any information to any Japanese government organization unless they ask for it.

    Just give them what they ask for. Not that I think they’d give a damn about your CV, but if you draw attention to it, you’ll be in a world of pain.

    Never, ever volunteer information to Japanese bureaucracy. Ever. They will waste years of your life trying to classify the information, and you’ll find yourself up shit’s creek with a ream of paper before you’re even allowed to touch a paddle.

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