
I really hope they release Oppenheimer in cinemas over here because I want to see it on the big screen.

While I totally get why the film might be delayed or even not released theatrically at all in Japan, I feel like it would be healthier to let it come out and have everyone discuss it than try and suppress it or let it go straight to streaming and DVD. The full experience of the film is in a cinema, not on Amazon Prime.


Now, I have seen that Toho Towa has the distribution rights and they haven’t decided AGAINST releasing the film in Japan, but haven’t announced a release date either. Some speculate that they may be waiting for the film to win some awards first, so they can hype it up on the basis of that, or that they might be waiting until after the anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings to put the film out.


Add to that the fact that a lot of popular Western films come out in Japan weeks or even months after they get released in the US and it isn’t that strange that Oppenheimer isn’t in theatres here yet. For example, John Wick 4 still hasn’t hit the screens over here and that’s been out for a few months in the US.


Anyhow, I just hope I will get the chance to see Oppenheimer in some form slightly close to what Nolan intended in Japan. It will end up on Amazon Prime Japan at some point anyway, so I don’t see why they would keep it out of cinemas entirely, especially when it would probably turn a decent profit. Maybe they’ll do just a very limited theatrical run here…


If anyone has any new information about this, please tell me.

  1. They released the crappy Pearl Harbor about the same time as the US .. you’d think they’d release this

  2. They will release it , just late as many others movies . I’m still waiting for John wick

  3. It’s just more white-man-focused hollywood fluff that glosses over a lot.

    No mention of the brutal treatment of the native americans who were on the land that became the los alamos lab. No mention of the japanese victims of his work.

    Of course most americans still believe the bombs were justified because they ended the war with Japan rather than understanding what actually ended the war and forced japan’s capitulation: russia declaring war on japan and shutting down the only potential diplomatic avenue japan had to avoid a complete surrender.

    I’m sure the movie will win many awards voted on by other airheads in hollywood. I doubt I will watch it but if I do, I’ll find it somewhere on the high seas.

  4. I think Oppenheimer is being distributed as traditional movies are usually done.

    Since it’s not digital, they have a limited amount of 70mm films that are distributed around the world, so we have to wait our turn til it gets here in Japan.

  5. I’ve been legit considering a 2 or 3 day trip to Korea to go see it there. I am very curious

  6. Probably not a good idea to announce anything until the anniversary passes next week

  7. The chances of it being released here are near zero. Unlike other movies with long delays, they usually get a release date by the time it’s released in theaters stateside. The fact there is no pending release date is really telling that the desire to release it in Japan is basically zero.

  8. I can escort you on post tomorrow for an 1800 viewing it’s like 3 bucks or something per person I believe.

  9. Am I the only one who thought Oppenheimer was the Peaky Blinders movie that was promised a couple years ago? I mean, I know the real Oppenheimer’s significance, but I saw Cillian Murphy on the bill and assumed that this was the Peaky Blinders movie because the timeline in that story is approaching WWII. Goddamnit that’s what I really want to see.

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