Have any of you seen weird shit going on in the skies/ocean here in Japan?

I know it sounds nuts, but in the US, whistleblowers were given a government audience to discuss absolutely incredible claims.

Japan is a land pockmarked by US Air Force bases. Have you seen anything really wild or weird that’s difficult to explain?

Is it okay to have a discussion about this without being ridiculed?

  1. I believe in UFOs and believe that there is some weird shit going down but that dude who testified before congress absolutely has no first hand proof. It’s basically “I heard from someone else that blah blah”. To answer your question, I haven’t experienced anything crazy in Japan.

  2. If there’s anything true about our country, it’s that everything is documented. In triplicate. Does anyone know of UFO/UAP documentation in Japan? Where would be a good place to start if I were to research such matters?

    In Japan, is there a similar avenue to gaining info such as through the Freedom of Information Act in the US or GDPR in the EU?

  3. Actually, and maybe it would be better to have its own post, but is there a way for us to make a “freedom of information” request in Japan?

    Not only in the context of my original post, but I think that would be useful for us all.

  4. Never seen anything myself but there are definitely hotspots of sightings. There is a UFO village, a UFO mountainous road and perhaps most famously the Tale of Princess Kaguya could be interpreted as a UFO story (there are also drawings of it)

  5. >Is it okay to have a discussion about this without being ridiculed?


    So you say you followed the nice man into his bar for all you can drink for 3000jpy and to see some titties and the next thing you remember you were wandering aimlessly and had lost several hours? Show us on the doll where the aliens probed you.

  6. I like in Saitama, off the train, 15 min bus. Then walk through ride feilds 30min. No lights no anything. 1 night I thought a saw something weird. I saw in the distance a light in the sky.. like it’d be an airplan or star. It wasn’t moving much that’s why I figured from a distance it was a start or far far away plane. Anyways I saw it shoot off half a second trail. The trail looked like an upsidedown capital T. Wasn’t drinking Chiho that day. Did look at my phone Abit while walking in complete dark. Brightness was down. I felt normal. I’m not really a believer of UFO so I wouldn’t say it was that. But I messaged my family after and tried to research if north Korea was shooting missles off.

  7. A UFO catchers are real, one took a lot of my money but I still didn’t win that Switch.

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