Is my boss being unreasonable?

Tested positive for Covid about 10 days ago, so isolated for the required 5 and was requested to isolate for another 2 days by my company. All symptoms are gone, but doing an Antigen test after 7 days still came back positive (and will apparently continue to do so for a while).

Now, my boss won’t let me back into the office until I get a negative Antigen test. Is this reasonable?

The government’s rules now state that you should isolate for the required 5 days and then just wear a mask for the following 5 days after. But nothing about taking antigen tests.

I also read that there is a chance that you may continue to test positive for Covid for months after getting it. I don’t know what to do.

Plus, I don’t want to have to fork out $10 a time to buy an antigen test kit. The company is not covering it.

I kind of need to get into my office, as we have specialist editing software on our machines there, and a client is waiting on a piece (I do graphic design). I don’t want to keep them waiting, as I’ve worked with them for about 9 years now.

  1. Try to put yourself into his shoes. If he thinks you can still infect others at the workplace he would rather keep you away than have the whole office ill afterwards. So I would say yes, he is reasonable and actually acts rationally as a boss. Way too many are absolutely irresponsible.

  2. Sounds like you got a good boss to me – wants to keep the rest of the office safe.

  3. Isn’t it unfair to the other employees if you’re in the office with covid? Aren’t you the one being unreasonable here?
    If you don’t have covid, then it’s likely the antigen test wouldn’t show a positive result. Maybe vaccinate and wear masks, avoid crowds next time.

  4. Folks at r/antiwork are literally crying because they are forced to go to work despite being positive and with all those symptoms.

  5. They should let you do remote work tho if there’s a really important project that is waiting for you.

  6. Testing positive for months is true for PCR, not for antigen which is way less sensitive. For antigen test still returning positive I would also ask you to refrain going to the office.

  7. You got infected with a deadly and highly infectious respiratory pathogen, I can’t blame him for being considerate towards the rest of his staff for telling you to stay home. Antigen tests are way less sensitive than a PCR, so if that’s still showing positive then you’re definitely still sick.

  8. Are you getting paid for your time off sick? If so just stay at home. If he’s Japanese, he’s a good boss

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