Entry Level Jobs in Big Tech/Finance/Consulting

Currently a university student graduating in 2025 and looking into expanding my job search to Japan. Already planning on moving eventually but I might fast track the move if the conditions are better than working at home (aus). The companies I’ve been looking into are Amazon, Google and Microsoft, specifically in their SWE or data (prefereable) engineering roles.

I’m wondering if anyone has any experience moving to Japan to work in big tech straight after graduating? I know Amazon sponsors visas for fresh graduates but I’m not sure about the others. And I’m curious of their experience and salary progression or which company they ended up after getting their foot in their door. Ideally Google or Microsoft seem like they have very good WLB but it seems like Google mainly hires sales people?

Also curious if anyone has any experience with other Gaishikei or western-style companies at the grad level (Rakuten, IBM, Oracle). Have heard of one person recently working at Rakuten as an entry level SWE but I’m not sure if I’d be willing to relocate just for Rakuten.

For context, I will graduate with degrees in CS and finance and I’m open to trying finance roles as well. I’ve done a bit of research but I’m still not too certain about the state of the finance sector and whether they hire fresh-grads. Also, my plan is just to work in my home country if I do secure a finance job but I’m open to hearing other people’s experiences of the industry in Japan. Looking into companies like Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, Big 4 Consulting firms+

My plan now is to work in tech in my home country upon graduation since I can stack a higher salary expectation but if I can possibly secure a job in big tech in Japan, I wouldn’t be opposed to moving as I feel like it’s a good name and experience to have on my resume during the early level, it’s just a matter of whether it’s possible and whether it’s recommended.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Entry Level Jobs in Big Tech/Finance/Consulting**

    Currently a university student graduating in 2025 and looking into expanding my job search to Japan. Already planning on moving eventually but I might fast track the move if the conditions are better than working at home (aus). The companies I’ve been looking into are Amazon, Google and Microsoft, specifically in their SWE or data (prefereable) engineering roles.

    I’m wondering if anyone has any experience moving to Japan to work in big tech straight after graduating? I know Amazon sponsors visas for fresh graduates but I’m not sure about the others. And I’m curious of their experience and salary progression or which company they ended up after getting their foot in their door. Ideally Google or Microsoft seem like they have very good WLB but it seems like Google mainly hires sales people?

    Also curious if anyone has any experience with other Gaishikei or western-style companies at the grad level (Rakuten, IBM, Oracle).

    For context, I will graduate with degrees in CS and finance and I’m open to trying finance roles as well. I’ve done a bit of research but I’m still not too certain about the state of the finance sector and whether they hire fresh-grads. Also, my plan is just to work in my home country if I do secure a finance job but I’m open to hearing other people’s experiences of the industry in Japan. Looking into companies like Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, Big 4 Consulting firms+

    My plan now is to work in tech in my home country upon graduation since I can stack a higher salary expectation but if I can possibly secure a job in big tech in Japan, I wouldn’t be opposed to moving as I feel like it’s a good name and experience to have on my resume during the early level, it’s just a matter of whether it’s possible and whether it’s recommended.

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  2. For finance / consulting: you will need to have native level Japanese. All of the major consulting companies you listed have Japanese sections for them that are separate than the rest and operate in Japanese complately for the local market. They also tend to hire Japanese graduates, why pay more for someone outside of Japan when the current student market fills the need and speaks the language and knows the customs?

    For big tech, the layoffs happened here in Japan as they did int he rest of the world. Most big tech companies are not actively hiring and when they are they want senior.

    You would be best to get some experience then try your luck in Japan and set yourself apart with work experience. You need to make yourself worth the cost of bringing you here over someone who already lives in Japan.

    Some big companies do offer internships and you can look into those as well. Those I have seen are open to world wide graduates.

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