Best Mobile Plan/Carrier?

Hey! I’m gonna be moving to Tokyo for \~11 months in the fall as an exchange student and wanted some opinions on mobile carriers. My first thought was going with Mobal or Sakura but after reading up it seems like many people dislike them.

I’ve also seen lots of people recommend Ahamo eSIM or Docomo but the requirements seem a bit steep (PR card, Japanese bank account, etc.) and complicated. If anybody has experiences, advice, or recommendations please let me know! 😀

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    **Best Mobile Plan/Carrier?**

    Hey! I’m gonna be moving to Tokyo for ~11 months in the fall as an exchange student and wanted some opinions on mobile carriers. My first thought was going with Mobal or Sakura but after reading up it seems like many people dislike them.

    I’ve also seen lots of people recommend Ahamo eSIM or Docomo but the requirements seem a bit steep (PR card, Japanese bank account, etc.) and complicated. If anybody has experiences, advice, or recommendations please let me know! 😀

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