How long to get a speed ticket delivered?

I was driving on a fast toll road today and was matching the car in front going around 100 in a 70 zone. We drove under a metal frame with sensors which flashed as we went by. I’m not sure if this means I got a ticket or not (there was also a toll gate ahead) so I’m wondering how long do I wait to find out if I have a speeding ticket?

Edit: after a lot of googling, and checking the Orbis list it seems more likely it was the crime prevention n system camera which records all cars. At lest I hope that’s what it was, I was going from Iwaki to Shirakawa.

  1. Right before a toll gate? You’re fine, the sensors you drove under are ETC sensors to make sure your ETC card is in before you get to the gates. There are no speed cameras within a few KM of toll gates anywhere, traffic usually slows there, so they don’t bother with them – they want them in places where they can actually catch speeders.

    FWIW, typically the over-expressway speed cameras have big white boxes (the radar units) on the frame next to them, and most of them have a big red flasher (like a cop car’s light) that will go off. Most of the speed cameras are under-road coil detectors, and the cameras are on the side of the roadway in a big metal box. Single boxes over each lane are plate readers or ETC sensors.

    Edit: Adding descriptions

  2. Are you sure it flashed? Or was it the reflection that seemed like it flashed?

  3. Don’t worry, speed demons! Toll gates are speed camera-free zones. They know we slow down to pay the tolls!

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