Is it legal for my wife, who is my dependent, to accept a freelance offer?

My wife, an embroidery artist, does various work such as writing tutorials, making custom embroidery, etc. All her clients are located abroad, and since her earnings are minimal, we have never reported her income.
Recently, a production house claiming to be associated with TBS Terebi approached her to direct scenes and design —most probably for some variety show— The estimated time for the project is four days, with one day at the site and three days working from home, and she will earn around 5万〜10万 JPY.
We are concerned about the legality of this project, as it’s her first time working with a local company. We have not yet informed the production house of her resident status. Is this legal?

  1. Does she have permission to work up to 28 hours per week?

    Also if/when she earns >¥480,000 she needs to be declaring the income, unless she earns employment income the she can earn ¥1,030,000 before she needs to start declaring (as ¥480,000 basic deduction + ¥550,000 employment income deduction).

    Then if she earns >¥1.3 million she’d no longer qualify as a category 3 dependent spouse so would need her own health insurance and pension.

    And also ¥1.3 million is a good guideline maximum for a dependent spouse because they should be financially dependent on their working visa spots or if spouse.

  2. Total of 5 to 10man? That will do nothing to your taxes. Just hang on to the payment receipt and use it when you file your taxes. Unless they pay under the table, in which case, just take the money. ETA: minimal income of a dependent is assessed with the head of household’s taxes. If you have questions, just go talk to the tax office.

  3. I know that any income of 200,000 yen or less in a year doesn’t need to be declared. Just not sure about working under the Dependant visa part.

  4. If you’re both foreigners, ie. she is on a dependent *visa*, she needs to apply for permission to work. If she’s Japanese and you are concerned only about dependent-status tax implications not visa matters, then as stated by someone else she can earn up to 1.3mil annually before she cannot be your dependent and needs to pay her own health insurance etc etc. You also will lose the dependent deduction from your own taxes in this case. So she should either stay under this annual limit for her work with any local companies, or have work that pays enough that losing tax breaks, her cheaper healthcare etc is worth it.

    There’s a good possibility a job like this will lead to more as there’s a LOT of word of mouth work in the industry, and at ~10man for 4 days it’s ok pay so she should go for it if visa isn’t an issue. Tell her your Reddit friends said congrats! 😂

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