Sound about right to me.

Sound about right to me.

  1. i really want to like finlay but i just can’t get into him, his badass persona and trash talking feels forced to me, whereas the other BC wardogs members genuinely come across as insane and dangerous

  2. Yeah I’m not buying what Finlay’s selling I just don’t see him as anything more than just the other guy in Finjuice

  3. I must be in the minority then, because I’ve liked Finlay for a long time. He was always missing that one thing though and I think he’s finally got it. I love the no-nonsense and badass attitude he has. His promos have been better than they’ve ever been. I feel like a lot of his true feelings over being held back for many years are coming through and it’s totally working for him.

    What I don’t like, is him beating Tama Tonga like a bitch. That just doesn’t seem right to me. Tama is bigger and stronger, so I just don’t buy that Finlay would be able to just destroy Tama as he has in their last couple of matches. I’m okay with Finaly beating Tama, but just not in the way he has.

  4. At this point, I would rather have Taguchi turn heel and join Bullet Club as a leader than David Finlay.

  5. I love the new bullet club my interpretation of them may be a little different than others.

    Finlay believes in people that feel like they were being taking advantage of.

    Gabe is the angry unhinged dog that wants to put pain on anyone it doesn’t matter, he wants to fight.

    Alex is the cunning, smart, yet crazy guy that feels undervalued.

    Clark is the small dog with a big bark that’s willing to throw down for his team.

    I haven’t seen to much of drilla to be honest. But he seems cool as well.

    Even Chris bey(impact) is one of my favorite performers right now.

    BCG is on fire right now and Jay White is becoming one of my favorite BC leaders ever.

    But I can’t really put my finger on why I like Finlay so much. I believe it’s the differences he have from Finn/AJ/Kenny/and White. They have similarities but it’s seems Finlay is finally finding himself as the leader amongst the under appreciated and I like that

  6. I’ve been really impressed with how crisp Gabe is in the ring. He seems to have the fundamentals down, even more so than some other Young Lions.
    Edit: fundamentals not financials

  7. It’s stupid but the dyed hair and beard is what kills it for me with Finlay. It looks so bad, he remind me of Kevin Nash when he came back to feud with Punk

  8. Gabe Kidd 100% is everything Dave Finlay is pretending to be right now.

    Dude wrestling like he wants to be the 4th musketeer. If he replaced Finaly tommorow and we all pretended nothing happened who would be upset?

  9. In fairness, story wise, Finlay is the best option for the leader. Gabe and Alex really impressed with G1 conference but Finlay was the only in War Dogs to start the G1 with a win because he has his eyes on winning above everything. But he told them to make a statement. Story wise Finlay is controlling a bunch of angry disgruntled young guys who received little opportunity in New Japan. Since they act so rash and violent it makes the most sense that the only level headed person is their leader.

  10. How about the receipt he gave to Kiyomiya after their match when Kiyo slapped him?

    Shoot fist fight ensued!

    Finlay might be tougher than a $2 steak, but how would we ever know? He’s always been Juice’s sidekick.

  11. I like Finlay and root for his success, but he looks like Fandango doing a silly evil character.

  12. I mean Jay white ended up proving me wrong too so I don’t want to judge early, but Finley just doesn’t do it for me. It’s not that he’s bad, he’s just trying to fill absurdly big shoes (BC Leader after 10 years of Finn, AJ, Kenny and Jay)

    He needs to do something to stand out other than just act tough. His finisher sucks too imo.

  13. After a time, the War Dogs smelling blood in the water and taking out Gedo and Finlay and BC going “leaderless” would be such a good angle. Finlay out in open water all on his own after talking so much shit would be awesome.

  14. I really like Finlay a lot, I do.

    I just think he’s miscast.

    I think he’s best cast as a loveable underneath babyface, undercard to midcard level.

  15. God y’all are getting bloody annoying.

    You do realise you can talk up great talent without needing to insult anyone else right?

    Finlay’s been having a good run, but you’d think he’d killed your parents with how you guys feel the need to mention him every time Gabe gets brought up.

    I will never get hate obsession, for anyone. But it’s getting legitimately tiring at this point.

  16. Gabe Kidd is my BC leader! Finlay’s fine, but the problem is he’s not BC >LEADER< material. He could be a fucking good second guy,but not the leader itself. His brawls are fine, but hes nowhere near the ELITE level of Devitt,Styles,Omega and White. And to me,after Kaito vs Kidd, i see Kidd as a fucking ELITE level wrestler.

  17. Gabe Kidd is my favorite BC member but Finlay is doing good as the leader. Both guys can do good on their own. I hope some of you know that you don’t always need to try to put someone down to show your appreciation for someone else. Seems like some fans are unable to do that and are just dying for jumping on a very specific guy and blindly hate and nitpick everything he does.

    No matter what he does some of you will just never let the guy a chance. A lot of people were like that with Jay at first, saying he was a Kenny cosplay despite the fact he was very different, which is as dumb as people saying Finlay is a Jay cosplay (and shows that a lot of people probably don’t even watch the shows) but here it feels like another level of bad faith.

  18. My problem with Finlay is during his entire time in NJPW it’s been made very clear that he is Jay White’s bitch, now White is gone we’re now supposed to take Finlay seriously.

  19. That’s not how it works. You can’t have a mental unstable kamikaze fighter as a leader. To speak in their terms – those guys are the cannonfodder in a war.

  20. Neither are leader material to be honest, they need something with a name to lead

  21. Yeah I’ve gotta say I just cannot get on board with Finlay, it’s never felt right to me… I don’t see him as a leader, or even as a threat. I’ve tried to give it a chance but every time I see him I’m like “nahh this ain’t doing it for me”.

  22. Kidd is so good. But he has to tone down the middle fingers. Thats childish behaivor.

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