Is there any place to dump large quantities of plant material?

I know I can put it in plastic garbage bags which is just a pain in the ass. Or I can burn it, but I really don’t want to burn this kind of stuff when everything is this dry and I live on the side of a mountain.

Can I fill up a truck with plant material and just take it to a clean center where they burn trash?

Someone else told me to just fill up a truck and kick out on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, since it’s just plant material it’s not pollution, and that’s true, but I’m hesitant.

I’ve easily got a whole truck load that will be higher than the bed and will need to be tied down to transport.

  1. You could rent a woodchipper/mulcher for a day, convert it to mulch, then use it on the land, where it came from?

  2. Composting is always a good answer, but bringing to clean centre is exactly what I sometimes do.

  3. You should be able to take it to your local trash place, little to no fee 🤔

  4. >Someone else told me to just fill up a truck and kick out on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, since it’s just plant material it’s not pollution, and that’s true, but I’m hesitant.

    Yeah illegal dumping is illegal.

    Your city has a regular yard waste disposal day, use that.

  5. As you know, “dumping in the middle of nowhere” is illegal and it would be really easy to recognize and catch someone like you.

    The Japanese solution would be to just burn it all. Bonus J-points if you do it when all your neighbors have their laundry hanging.

    Presumably you could just load up a truck and take it to the clean center without bagging it. But you need to check with them directly because every place is different.

  6. some prefectures have plant material garbage day. if yours have maybe you can ask them to haul yours like the oversized trash thing

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