OCN Hikari speed is far from rated 1000Mbps

My ISP is OCN hikari and my router is an Archer C7 v2. When I was living at my old apartment with a hikari 1gbps connection going through 100Mbps DSL [方式](https://www.ntt-east.co.jp/aboutus/change-hikari.html), I consistently got 90+mbps up and down every time I tried to run a speed test. That was OK because the limit of the VDSL network was 100mbps.

I moved recently to a new apartment with FTTH (direct fiber connection to the room) where I continue to use OCN and noticed that I wasn’t getting 1Gbps. I set up a [monitoring system](https://github.com/geerlingguy/internet-pi) that measures my internet connection speed multiple times a day and found that my average download speed is under 300mbps, while my upload speed is under 500mbps. The device has a gigabit ethernet connection and is connected using Cat6 cable so it’s unlikely there’s something wrong with the physical connection for measurement.


[https://v6test.ocn.ne.jp/](https://v6test.ocn.ne.jp/) tells me that my IPv4 connection is still using PPPoE 方式. I set my router up to do this because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to connect to the internet.


OCN’s mypage shows me that IPoE is indeed available but my router doesn’t support it (?)



Because of the asymmetry of my up/down speeds and the trend of increased speed after midnight to early morning, I have a hunch that this is something related to congestion, but I can’t be sure. I also think that using PPPoE for my IPV4 connection [might](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/tq4x2y/psa_for_vdsl_internet_users_switch_to_ipv6_ipoe/) have something to do with it. It looks like I should buy a new router to support IPoE but I don’t want to buy one and find out that that isn’t the real problem. Also, I’d prefer to wait until 6GHz routers are available in Japan before buying a new one.

Any suggestions on how to get nearer 1000mbps up and down on my connection?


Edit: added 6GHz router sentence

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