Faucet left running for 6+ hours…

For the second time this month, I came home to find that my wife had mistakenly left the bathroom faucet running, full flow, for 6+ hours. Does anyone have a similar experience and/or know what this is likely to cost?

  1. Ouch!!!

    …. 6+ HOURS at **full flow**?? That’s…. A lot.
    Like a whole month of consumption A lot; Maybe even more….

    Prepare for PAIN when the bill comes, cause it will be way way WAY more then you are used to (I’d guess, unless you shower for hours at a time?)

  2. I don’t think it will be that bad. Prob few thousand yen at most. Bath tube of water is about 40-50yen and for me that takes about 15 min to fill. So doing this over simplified calculations, it shouldn’t be too bad.

  3. Happened twice, overnight faucet, couldn’t really tell the difference on the water bill so luckily it doesn’t seem to have impacted it too much.

  4. 1 liter is about 0.25 yen; a running tap is about 8 liters a minute so 0.25 *8 *60 *6 = 720 yen as a back of the envelope figure.

  5. https://www.spikevm.com/calculators/irrigation/flow-tap-lpm.php

    You can calculate it easily.

    Japanese internet says, “蛇口や水圧にもよりますが…20~30ℓ/分と言われてます”

    That means you’ve wasted between 7200 and 10800 liters of water. I’ve entered some approximate numbers of how long it takes to fill my 240L bathtub and the math on the above site checks out.

    Now you just need to see how much you’ll be charged for it.

  6. Not sure if the is the same for all but the water usage fee usually scales with your “sewage” fee. So every time your water fee increases, the bill usually doubles.

  7. I’ve done that before in the shower room like for three hours. It wasn’t that bad in the end. Maybe just remind her to check everything before she sleeps or something lol or do it yourself. We all mess up sometimes!

  8. I did this except for TWENTY FOUR HOURS because my tap is silent and I used it once to get water for mopping.

    I was dreading the bill it but it only cost about double my usual bill at 6-7000 yen/2 months (usually about 3-4k every 2 months). The funny thing is, the following month they reached out saying I was using far less than I normally do and to call them if I wanted to continue using their services. Bizarre.

  9. If just cold water, probably nothing to lose sleep over, maybe a few hundred Yen.

    If it was hot water and the gas was running, it’ll be more expensive….

  10. Yep. Not much to be honest.

    On average it’s about 17L per minute.
    1 hour = 1m3 (1000 L)
    1m3 can cost around 93yen up to 210yen depending how many factors.
    It’s probably between 1000yen to 2000yen.

  11. Depends on where you live since each water district sets their own prices. You can figure it out fairly quickly:

    1. Look up how much water costs per m^3 in your area.

    2. Time how long it takes your full flow faucet to fill something you know the capacity of, or can measure the capacity of (you can use scales).

    3. Do some quick math to figure out how much water was used over 6 hours, and then how much it cost.

    Also….is your wife okay? Because that is definitely not normal.

  12. Friend accidentally left my shower on for 2 days straight and i didn’t notice any real increase in water utility cost.

    (We were washing out some wetsuits in the bath/shower)

  13. I’ve left garden sprinklers on for longer than that multiple days in a row. Water in Osaka is pretty cheap, not sure where you are though.

  14. This happened to me for 12+ hours last summer when an attachment popped of the outside hose. It was about 2000y extra.

  15. My husband did the same thing, except that it was hot water run on gas. And it happened the same month when he already left the gas stove on for nothing, twice.
    Oh man, I thought I’d never be able to cool off after that.

  16. Neighbor downstairs seems to have been away during the weekend. Water was flowing under the door and into the hallway. 2days and 1night. You got it easy with 6 hours.

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