Best place to get a free (or cheap) table and desk?

I’m here for at least a few more months, and I don’t have the funds to buy new right now. I was looking up thrift stores but it seems to be mostly pawn shops.

Anyone know if ‘western style’ thrift stores are a thing here? Or any other ideas?

Trying FB marketplace, but most of the posts are like 20 weeks old.

  1. Check your nearest hard-off or a second hand furniture shop near your place.

    Or you can also use Jimoty ([]( but most sellers there will want you to pick up/take the item from their place yourselves, no delivery.

  2. Look up a second hand store called treasure factory. They also do delivery.

  3. Off House is great.

    My nearest store (Tachikawa) had a few desks and tables. Nothing *amazing* but all functional.

    Don’t forget IKEA – the return section by the cashiers often has useful returns or old displays.

  4. “Hard Off is your dream place.”

    I shop at the bookoffs and offhouses etc for fun, and I always buy my furniture there when i first move, and get anything I can’t find cheap at nitori. (Prices are going up recently :/ )

  5. The best place for free stuff is online. First, I recommend checking out jmty. You may be able to find free stuff on craigslist and the Sayonara Sale group on Facebook, too.

  6. Try the Mottainai Japan page on facebook. They give things there for free but you have to figure out a way to take it home with you.

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