Obtaining a business ID as a sole proprietor (starting a new small business)

As far as I understand, I will just need to register as a “kojin jigyo” to start a business. When I mail in that document, will I get a business ID automatically assigned and mailed?

Would like to launch an online store and need a business ID to create a business paypal account.

(Am on a spouse visa)

  1. Sorry, I’ve been a kojin jigyo for many years but I don’t know what a business ID is.

    On the other hand, I don’t think you get anything mailed to you for filing for kojin jigyo. You even need to tell them if you want to keep a copy of the document you file with, and that’s all the proof you get as far as I can remember.

  2. I don’t think that you will receive a business ID (法人番号 is what I think you’re referring to, correct?) when you apply for kojin jigyo. You’re basically just incorporating yourself and getting some business protections/benefits but not actually creating a new business.

  3. AFAIK you don’t need a “business ID” to open a business paypal account.

    If you’re a sole proprietor, you’re not a “business” (if you’re thinking about 法人). You will never get a 法人番号 if that’s what you’re looking for. A sole proprietor is not incorporated. You need to open a business account as an individual.

  4. Go to your tax office and fill out 2 copies of the application to start your Kojin Jigyo. They keep one copy, they will give you back the other one stamped. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes. That is the only document you will ever receive. Just show this paper anytime you need proof. I have used this to open bank accounts, register kids for hoikuen, get a Costco business membership etc.

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