What’s your take on CBD products on Amazon?

I’ve found that CBD products are gaining some attention on Amazon these days. Which got me interested since I had a vape somewhere in my carrier, got some cartilages with prime and was surprised how cheap they were, which got me wondering if they are on the path to legalizing it in the future?

  1. What do you mean? CBD is already legal in Japan, why do you think it’s for sale on Amazon to begin with…?

  2. CBD and THC are completely different things. CBD is not psychoactive and so there is no reason for the government to make it illegal. It’s no different from things like St. John’s Warts or Camomile Tea.
    Japan will likely eventually legalize but CBD not being illegal isn’t really a big step in the process

  3. You can buy CBD from Donki. You’re getting confused with synthetic cannabinoids

  4. Legalizing CBD? CBD is legal and pretty mainstream. My local 7/11 sells disposable CBD vapes at the register.

    Legalizing weed? Eh, probably a long way off. Some of the latest news is that they are working on a law to make cannabis consumption illegal. Up until now, consumption has been “”legal”” (but obviously possession, cultivation and sale are illegal). With this new law testing positive for THC would be a crime, which is how it is with other drugs like meth.

    There is kind of a silver lining, which is that this new law would also make provisions for research and development for medical use. This is just the first step towards having some sort of cannabis medicine available and not an establishment of medical marijuana. Also, you can bet your ass that this won’t be anything like the medical systems found in other countries that allow you to buy and smoke weed if a doctor says it’s ok. Just look at how they handle ADHD patients and their medication here and you’ll have an idea of what sort of thing to expect.

  5. CBD products are cheap because CBD isolate is even cheaper – there’s now a massive industry in the US growing hemp for CBD, which was made possible by the 2018 farm bill. The isolate is a mass produced product now and if you buy in bulk it’s less than $1 per gram. I’d say that most vendors in Japan actually overcharge, with some of the brands with physical locations overcharging by insane amounts to capitalise on consumer ignorance (I’ve seen a bottle of CBD oil with a total of 1000mg for the whole thing going for Â¥20,000, which is tantamount to robbery)

    The government are definitely not on a path to legalisation – they periodically ban the psychoactive cannabinoids that are legal here, with the most recent case being THC-H, there’s a thread in this sub about it.

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