A junior high school girl from Yamagata died from heat stroke

Article written in Japanese, source: https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20230729-OYT1T50294/


  1. Students should NOT be doing any club activities in this heat, ridiculous…

  2. Reddit residents should read the article first. She died on her way home, not during a club activity.

  3. She was heading home on her bike after doing club activities just after 11am on the 28th when she collapsed on the road. She was taken to hospital and passed away the following day.

  4. Heat stroke is so scary and should definitely taken more seriously. I feel for this poor girl and her family.

  5. How did someone so young pass from heatstroke? Did the school not educate her to stay hydrated?

  6. And, so the culling by heat begins….

    All jokes aside, this is a very serious issue and everyone needs to carefully consider how they spend their time outside. This was a needless tragic death that could have been prevented with a simple “no club activities outside during summer” rule. But, we know this is Japan and the school board will simply make of a note of this, then form a special committee to investigate what happened and deliberate what to do next. This committee may hopefully issue the above advice just as typhoon season starts in october.

  7. I’m honestly surprised it wasn’t Saitama. They can’t compete with Tokyo academically (in their opinions) in the past so they compensated by basically forcing clubs on people.

  8. But at least she didn’t get a sore throat from using the infernal エアコン contraption.

    ガマン goooood. 😢

  9. Too many rogais in power thinking that kids should be able to tough out these sorts of things ugh

  10. Man, this sucks. That poor kid. Hopefully this wakes people up to how fucking dangerous this weather is. I don’t even want to go out without an umbrella anymore and I’m seeing kids doing club activities in 35 degree heat. No club activity is worth the risk

  11. Every school pool should be open for the kids just to have fun and stay cool. The pool is closed by my house because…… it’s too hot !
    Japanese logic.

  12. Gone too soon. 🙁
    I hope the educational system can be slightly restructured in a way that students can have leeway but still receive the same level of academic quality. Education is imperative to success but all else is futile if the body is unable.

  13. Why are they doing club activities out in the heat? What’s the logic behind that?

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