Speaking in Japanese in Japan


I need help. I studied Japanese in the past 1 year and I’m not really confident when it comes to speaking. I’m in Japan right now and want to speak in Japanese but I’m afraid to talk. I’m afraid that I will make mistake and it’s going to be embarrassing. Can anyone give me any advice how to start it or how to just get over my unconfidence?

(My post was rejected in LearnJapanese because I did not have enough karma so please let it stay in this reddit.)

Thank you!


  1. Realize that people learn best by making mistakes and receiving corrective feedback and have fun.

  2. Just speak in Japanese and repeat yourself if they don’t understand you the first time. I’ve been in Japan for a long time and my Japanese is still not perfect nor does anyone expect it to be.

  3. Talk to people in stores. Maybe not convenience stores, but like, little shops and such. Especially if the shop is not busy. They are literally there to help you and won’t mind. Once you get over being nervous it gets easier, so maybe start there.

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