Help – how to get from Tokyo to Omagari for Fireworks Festival and Out Again

I’m a little stuck –
have a JR pass and tickets to the Oomagari Fireworks Festival 8/26/23, but looking at the reservation site, tickets from Tokyo to Omagari station are sold out for the day. I had also planned on staying in Sendai after the fireworks festival ended. Both the trains going to Omagari as well as the ones leaving show that they have no non-reserved seats. Will more tickets open up? Are there alternative methods of getting from Tokyo to Omagari that morning/afternoon and from Omagari to Sendai afterward? Is there a possibility of getting standing room spots on the train just walking into the station?

  1. Those tickets were likely sold out on the day of booking (7/27/2023).

    Can you get seat reservations up to Morioka or Akita? Then plan to stand to Omagari, possibly on the local trains on this line.

  2. Unless you really like overwhelming crowds and feeling like you might be crushed any minute I’d skip that festival if it were me. Pre-covid that thing was a shitshow not sure if it’s still going to be that bad now, but I would never go anywhere near any large Japanese festival, the lines for everything are insane and getting out on the train is a huge pain.

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