Passport validity while entering back to japan

Hey guys! This might be a stupid question but I couldn’t find the exact answer online. I want to go back to my home country to visit my family and when I return back to Japan my passport validity date will be less than 6 months. However, I’m holding a dependent visa which will still be valid by the time I enter Japan. Can I still enter Japan with less than 6months left or will it be an issue. Thank you!

  1. If it will be valid, you can enter. If it won’t be valid, you need to get a new one.

  2. Are you flying direct? Or will you be transit/transferring in another country?

    If you’re transiting or transferring in a country you don’t have nationality/residency visa for you will likely encounter issues.

  3. I came back to Japan last week with less than 5 months left on my Passport.

    The machine that you can scan your passport into gave me a message saying “Please check the validity of your passport”, but that’s all.

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