Trying to find a tracker that will let me track manga volumes with an activity tracker.

I’m trying to find something like mal/anilist/kitsu that will track manga volumes and will show them in the activity feed so i can see them as entries over time. Being able to see my progress over time I feel like would be really good for my motivation

you will see that my chapter entries get logged there but not volumes.

you will see that volumes are set but not listed above.

here is a thread mentioning this issue that has gone unsolved for years.

I have 5 volumes set to read but none of them show

countless forum posts pointing out this issue

1 chapter set as read in the activity feed

5 volumes set as read in the manga list

Mal threads talking about this issue.

I feel like I must just be doing something wrong. I just want to be able to track my manga volumes and be able to go back and look at my progress over time. There is no way that this is just an impossible thing to do right? Does anyone know of a solution that will work for me? Or an alternative way of doing things that would accomplish a similar thing?

I was even willing to go back through and reorganize my collection renaming them from volumes to chapters but the reality is that there really isnt a good way to reliably convert between volumes and chapters. There doesn’t appear to be a canonical source for doing this and when I tried to look between a bunch of different websites they gave contradictory information.

  1. I like to use Learn Natively to track stuff! They have manga and a bunch of other reading materials, as well as shows.

  2. Is something like what you’re looking for? I just put the ISBN from the volume on Amazon Japan into the search bar then add it as read/planning/etc. to my account.

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