Going to Japan as MEXT Scholar in April or September 2024, How Should I Prepare?

Like the title says, I have approximately about 8-13 months left before I take off to Japan as a MEXT research student.

While a lot of questions revolve around what to do when going to Japan, I want to ask how should I prepare before leaving?

I’m thinking of getting a job and gather as much money as possible but surely there are other ways to spend my time until then.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Going to Japan as MEXT Scholar in April or September 2024, How Should I Prepare?**

    Like the title says, I have approximately about 8-13 months left before I take off to Japan as a MEXT research student.

    While a lot of questions revolve around what to do when going to Japan, I want to ask how should I prepare before leaving?

    I’m thinking of getting a job and gather as much money as possible but surely there are other ways to spend my time until then.

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  2. Definitely save up. I went as a monbukagakusho scholar years ago and not only did they book my ticket a month before school began but also told me after I got there that it’d be two months before I receive my first stipen. Was literally eating two meals a day before the first stipen came and had to bite the bullet and ask my parents for some help.

  3. Kemushi-Chan on YouTube has great advice and learnings from her time as a MEXT scholar, especially around financial planning as she later had her partner join her. A great channel overall for learning what comes with the MEXT program.

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