Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 02 August 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Is it rude to leave a cooler filled with bottled water outside our door for delivery drivers??

    We’ve been ordering a lot lately and its the least we can do for them.

  2. Today up north, its 34 degrees and its unbearable, but at least its not humid. How are people surviving the much greater heat and humidity down south?

  3. So I unfortunately found out that one of our new shinsotsu worker is being let go at the end of September after my boss slipped up. The sucky situation is that this was over a zoom meeting which said worker also was in it. While my boss didn’t say it directly it was pretty easy to figure it out based on context.

    My question is…what would be the best way to interact with said coworker from now on? I don’t know if they’ve figured out that I found out. Is it best that I pretend that I didn’t hear anything?

  4. Does anyone know any good anti-hangover pills or powder brands in Japan? My wife is Korean and it’s a big thing there, and she’s run out of the ones she last brought over.

    (I’m not entirely convinced they do that much for me personally but the placebo effect alone will keep my wife happy if we can find something similar)

  5. Any place in japan that sells Clif bars?

    Used to do sometimes iherb but they discontinued them for w/e reason. Amazon has them outrageously priced

  6. So I ultimately mass applied to credit cards these past few weeks. I was successful with the Rakuten Card (yay!) but declined for everything else. I really want the Suica View Card but alas..

    How long should I wait before applying for that Suica View Card again? Also, I really want an EPOS card because of the design but got declined online and in store, so how long should I wait on that one? Also, is it possible to have multiple EPOS cards (similar to how I have multiple of the same Chase cards from the US)?

    I know one has to wait 6 months generally, but since I got approved for the Rakuten card, does that change things? My apologies for the mass of questions, I only ‘actually’ moved to Japan mid June (have been here much longer, but my visa start was in mid June) and only so much information seems to be online from my cursory searches.

  7. For my passport renewal, I need a proof of home address, to give to my embassy. Is a regular bill or just my gaijin card with my address on it enough?

  8. For my fellow Xbox gamers with gamepass, has anyone changed their region to add a game that’s not available in Japan and then switch back to japan region and was still able to play the game? Or would I need to keep the region change in order to play the game? Would that affect billing?

    GP in japan is cheaper here than the states but the states has a game I want to play and I’ve thought about switching the region to download it and then switch back to japan but I have a feeling that it would mess with the billing.

    I had to switch to New Zealand in order to download the English version of P5royal and was able to switch back to Japan and still play the English version

  9. fml!!! so i was going thru my phone removing a lot of stuff to de-clutter, swiping old call logs to delete them and getting into the rhythm when, of course, my phone decides i tapped instead of swiped on my *ex’s number!* ice cold terror ripped thru my veins as i saw the outgoing call screen and i immediately cancelled. it showed up in my call log, but what are the chances he would get a missed call notification since i hung up right away?

    the absolute last thing i want is to talk to him or make him think i’m reaching out! fingers crossed he already had me blocked anyway…

  10. Just moved here to live about 2 weeks ago. Is there any thing I can do to get some sort of rail pass? Seems like passmo and suica card sales are suspended and I don’t have an iPhone. Not sure what I can do to get out of buying individual tickets every single time…

  11. Fuck, missed my hello work monthly appointment by 1 day, now they can’t certify my unemployed status for the whole month, 230k+ gone.

    I doubt there is any way to appeal…?

  12. I posted this on the Spotify subreddit but didn’t get a response, any ideas?

    I’ve had a premium account for years (opened in Australia), paid via my PayPal. I wanted to update to my new credit card, which is from Japan.

    When I put in the new credit card, it says my card doesn’t match my country. If I try to change the country, it sends me to the plans page and says “Sorry, you are not eligible for that plan.”. So I’m stuck in a loop. Tried using a VPN for both countries, same problem.

  13. Is anyone wearing any kind of fragrance in this heat?
    What are you wearing?
    I don’t wear any if I’m going someplace crowded or have to ride the train, but otherwise I enjoy it.
    I still have some CDG Sunscreen from last year but I’d like to try something else.

  14. What is up with people in Mercari asking for 100 yen discount? Does it really hurt your soul to give me an extra 100 yen for the thing I’m already selling for dirt cheap?

  15. It seems like the number of those big “London black cab” style taxis is almost equal to the sedan type now, at least in my area of Tokyo.

    Is there a plan to phase out the old type? If so, would that be for accessibility?

    Also, more often than not when I order a taxi through the Go Taxi app, on boarding, the drivers still ask me for the destination address – I’ve confirmed that they have the address on their device too – surely that should suffice? So why would they bother asking?

  16. I have a fully-exposed rooftop and lots of windows that get sun.

    I’m thinking of growing some herbs or vegetables, mainly shiso leaves, parsley, hot chili peppers, or other herbs.

    Any advice or ideas on how to do this? I have a feeling that leaving a pot plant on the roof would dry it out and kill it pretty quickly with direct sun and this heat.

  17. Anyone here who bought used lenses from Kitamura Camera? May I know your experience with your purchase? Thanks for your time!

  18. I just moved to another place. I want to register my bicycle using the new address. The bicycle is already registered as mine but I want to change the address. Do I have to go to the same bicycle shop I registered in or I can just go to any other one close by?

  19. I am a dispatch contract employee. I rarely get to meet my agency manager in person. Agency is in Tokyo I am stationed in Shizuoka. But tomorrow is a meeting face to face after a year and a half.

    I am looking for suggestions for a gift, and if something that could be interesting during summer or obon.

  20. Does MS&AD have English support? Thinking of getting travel health insurance with them.

  21. Anyone want to take some rubber balls and a slingshot and get rid of a スズメバチ nest for me?

  22. Are there pharmacies in Japan in general (or more specifically in the Yokohama area) that can receive a photo of your prescription online, and then mail your medicine to you, without you ever having to hand in the paper prescription in person? (or, as a second-best option, lets you bring in the paper prescription after the 4-day deadline when you come to pick up the medicine in person?)

    I complained about the 4-day window for filling prescriptions a while back in the complaints thread, since my local pharmacy’s hours unfortunately do not work well at all for anyone with normal daytime working hours, and some kind redditor provided a pointer to a website called Epark, which I tried out and happily found that my same local pharmacy does accept prescriptions by photo online. *However, they still expect you to bring in the paper prescription before the 4-day deadline, which completely defeats the purpose for me.* I wonder if there exist any pharmacies that do not have this requirement, and that you can just do everything online without having to bring in the paper before the deadline? Does this actually exist at all? Or do I have to just move somewhere with a pharmacy with better hours?

  23. Is Habanero famichiki still on sale today? Went out to get some but the store near my house didnt have it anymore and I was too distracted to ask

  24. Has anyone noticed amazon slipping on delivery date? have some time sensitive stuff coming in and they haven’t shipped it, even though I paid for expedited. Ordered it on the 1st. Delivery estimate of the 3rd.

  25. I’ve downloaded the GO taxi app in preparation for moving to Fukuoka-ken (Kurume-shi) next week. The page on the Google Play Store shows screenshots of the app in English. I can’t actually activate the app until I’m in Japan and get my Japanese SIM card. Does anyone have any experience with this app? Is it usable with pre-N5 Japanese? Is it similar to Uber in that you can order a taxi at short notice? Thanks very much 🙂

  26. Thinking of buying a decent TV but back out after seeing the price.

    Question is, when is the best time to buy a TV anyway? I know Black Friday’s slowly becoming a sale event but I was wondering if there’s some big sale event that is similar.

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