Weekly Thread: Material Recs and Self-Promo Wednesdays! (August 02, 2023)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday, share your favorite resources or ones you made yourself! Tell us what your resource an do for us learners!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. Check out my new website, [kamesan.net!](https://kamesan.net)

    It’s a totally free immersion website, allowing you expand your vocabulary just my watching the shows you like in Japanese. When you find a new word, you can click on the subtitles to see it’s definition, and add customizable Anki flashcards featuring video extracts and target word highlighting at the push of a button!

    Unlike other similar tools, it takes virtually no setup, and comes with the advantage that all of the content is already there available to stream. The library isn’t just anime either, there’s some pretty good j-dramas up too.

    Thanks for checking it out, and I hope that it is useful to someone out there! 🙂

    Also, if you think it’s cool there’s a subreddit you can join for updates and stuff: r/kamesan

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