Does anyone here have done an MRI scan of the teeth?

I went to the dental clinic last week for having a single yellow teeth. They said that they needed to do an MRI scan to know locate the nerves and find the details which may cost around 26,000Â¥.
Is the price too expensive or should i change the clinic to opt for a cheap one?

  1. They’re being a bit excessive. I had two and both were included in the treatment. I paid less than 4000Â¥ every time and not even 1500Â¥ the last one. Aoyama dental clinic near Gaien-mae station.

  2. Panoramic X-ray should be enough in most cases, so maybe get a statement what’s wrong right now and check with another dentist.

    P.S. I’m obviously not a doctor, a dentist or a radiologist.

  3. I definitely don’t think an MRI is necessary.

    The contrast difference between teeth and nerves is so vast that traditional xrays should be able to tell the difference.

  4. I had a mri and it was like 6000 with insurance… but that may be considered elective ( can’t use insurance). But seems questionable whether you need it

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