Looking for simple TV to watch

Hi all,
Started learning some basic phrases a couple weeks back with Duo Lingo. I have watched anime for years and always watch the original audio with English subtitles. I feel like a lot of the shows I watch have really fast rates of speech and I can only pick out a word or two hear and there. Wondering if anyone has suggestions for anime or live action Japanese shows with easier to digest language. I will also add that I am not learning ing characters yet, and am using the English phonetic representative.
Also open to suggestions other than duo lingo. I am a Speech Pathologist and can see so many glaring issues with how this app works, but am not currently looking to use a paid subscription for language learning.

  1. I would like to encourage you to learn hiragana/katakana as soon as possible and move away from using the romajii, for 2 main reasons:

    1 – they are easy to learn

    2 – your pronunciation will improve and it will help with listening.

    I would recommend the app Renshuu, it has sections to teach grammar, words, kanji etc. It is good to use for free with some additional features you can unlock if you pay a sub.

    I really recommend the paid apps ‘Human Japanese’ and ‘Human Japanese Intermediate’. They are inexpensive, and a one time payment so no monthly sub and they do an excellent job of reaching hiragana and katakana, and give great break downs of simple grammar and teach new words. All the lessons have example Japanese sentences that are fully voiced and have a full break down in english on each word in the sentence .

    I also recommend ‘satori reader’, it is “free” in that they allow you to read the first 2 chapters of any material on the app for free, great for practicing reading and listening as all the stories are fully voiced and again break down the Japanese for you if you tap on a word or sentence.

    For easy Japanese to watch I recommend checking out:

    Comprehensible Japanese

    Learn Japanese with Tanaka San

    They are both on YouTube and feature simple Japanese.

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