Job hunting question

Hi, I am currently looking for a new job. I’ve already received an email saying they would want me to hire and gave me a salary offer and asking me for my convenient dates so they can discuss me more details.

Now, I am planning to give them the dates in the next 2 weeks so I can still wait for the results of other companies that I’ve done an interview with. I want to choose among those companies which is the best so I don’t regret it in the future because job hunting is not an easy task I must say.

My question is, would it be fine if I gave them dates after they offered me a Job(it is like collect them first then select) and if ever I found a better company, email them back again that I would like to reject their offer in a nice way?

Just a little background, I am currently in an IT industry. And all of these companies that I’ve applied for are consulting companies.

Thank you.

1 comment
  1. As long as you haven’t signed anything yet, you’re in free territory to do whatever you want. Some people even end up rejecting an offer after signing and before the start date, but that’s a bit more of a hassle, and could end up burning some bridges.

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