Cheap places to drink in Kyoto

I live in Nagoya and am visiting Kyoto this weekend. Are there any cheap and fun places to drink besides Torikizoku?

  1. Might I suggest a strong zero, a conbini parking lot, and an onigiri or American dog?

  2. Torikizoku still considered cheap for drinks? Went there recently and it was almost 2 drinks for 1000yen. Might as well go to a decent spot at that point.

    If you’re talking cheap cheap, Saizeriya probably still does 100yen wine.

  3. Basically everywhere is cheap to drink in Japan. Nomihodai are only 1,500-2,000 yen for two hours.

  4. TORI ALWAYS WINS!!! Long live the chicken!
    Could seriously eat there for the rest of my life.

  5. Forget about finding shit cheap places- 京都柳小路TAKA was great when I went. Yakitori & beer/sours/sake with chill friendly locals.

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