Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 03, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. >やっぱり地道に情報網を当たっていくしかありませんね。

    what definition of 当たる is being used here?

  2. This is more a question about personal study methods but how do you learn Kanji after having finished something like KKLC/RTK? I finished KKLC about a month ago but every time I read unknown Kanji still show up sometimes. Would it be better to study them in isolation (might mean obscure keywords) or through vocab? I know the latter is often recommended but when I tried that for the Jouyou Kanji I often mixed them up and it was much harder to guess the reading for new words. But maybe it’s not as much of a problem for rarer Kanji. What do other people do?

  3. Hello.

    I’m a bit confused by what the German Wikipedia article about Mora (in linguistics) says: “So the city names Tōkyō, Ōsaka and Sendai are all four-mora: とうきょう To-u-kyo-u, おおさか O-o-sa-ka, せんだい Se-n-da-i.” (translated)

    My question is about the きょ in とうきょう. I always thought that would count as two mora, not just one. What is correct?

  4. When you read the description, 顔の表情は、真剣味に欠ける, would you think of someone cheerful-looking or relaxed-looking?

    身長は173cm。 スポーツをやっている高校生にしてはとりたてて大きいほうではない。 体重は67kgで、体つきはどちらかといえば、丸い。ュニフォーム姿が映えるほうではないだろう。顔の表情は、たいていの場合、やわらかく、時には真剣味に欠けるといわれることもある。

  5. 小さい字はめがねを掛けて見

    Can someone confirm: is the 〜て見ます the “try and do something” meaning? Like, “I will try and eat this natto”?


  6. ベルは、彼が発明した電話をトゥエインにも利用してもらいたいと思ったが。

    I read this as *Bell wanted Twain to use the telephone that he invented.*

    What meaning does も add to the sentence?

  7. is there any difference in pronunciation between じ and ぢ along with ぢ and づ? ive been sitting here a bit trying to hear the difference on tofugu but i cant hear any.

  8. My japanese class i attend to teaches Grammar in romaji first instead of Basic Kana(hiragana and katakana) so im just wondering if its normal for a japanese class to be like that cuz im kinda getting bothered a little because my siblings from japan said that other Japanese class teaches the basic kana first

  9. What does the “NO” in Japanese anime attack names mean?

    Ex: Gomu Gomu no Pistol

    Kage Bushin no Jutsu

  10. I feel like I have a decent Kanji memorized when reading simple sentences but when I try to write, I feel like I remember a lot less than reading. Is this normal?

  11. Is 魂(たましい) actually pronounced any different from たまし, in isolation? Yomichan is telling me that the pitch accent is on the た, so it seems hard to really hear that extra い. At least compared to -しい adjectives like 楽しい, 素晴らしい, etc. where the pitch accent makes it more apparent.

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