Can I get in trouble for working as a NSFW artist?

Hello! I’ve been living in Tokyo for the past 4 months, I’m on a student visa and work part time in an arubaito. Back in my country I worked as a furry NSFW artist for almost a decade now in a small, niche community and it paid my bills well and made it possible for me to move here.

I was hesitant about continuing my work when I arrived because I know about the whole uncensored porn being a no-no here, but at the same time it’s completely legal to access uncensored porn here in non-japanese sites. The research I tried doing so far points me that it’s illegal to sell and distribute internally, but if it’s content made to be sold/distributed overseas it’s okay.

So my question is, is it okay for me to keep posting my uncensored furry porn in the non-japanese site I use and selling commissions to my non-japanese clients? I haven’t had any problems so far.

Also, about the part time hour limit, both the company that helped me come as a student, my school and my arubaito says there’s no problem for me to keep working as a freelance artist while also doing the arubaito, and just to be sure, I don’t overdo the 28 hour limit. I just do 15 hr/week on my arubaito and do a few hours a week drawing. And of course, they don’t know I do NSFW stuff 🙂 They just think I’m a normal designer with side gigs.

  1. I assume if a student isn’t allowed to work as a host or hostess, a NSFW artist would fall under the same category.

  2. As long as you didn’t work on an NSFW place, under the name of the NSFW company, then you’re gonna be fine, I guess.

    But be careful, if you got a japanese client or someone based in japan, and you’re doing transactions via Japanese bank, then it’d be the different story.

    Again, this is just my two cent based on my own experience .

  3. There as been an insanely low number of cases that ended up in court and from what i see, the majority (all?) of them involved selling physical product in Japan. So as long as you dont sell anything in Japan, im guessing you are safe? If you want to be on the very safe side, just had in the famous black censorship bar that-doesnt-hide-anything like you’ve seen in drawings from Japanese artists.

    You could try getting in touch with artists in Japan, they can probably give you alot of info on that subject. Comiket is just around the corner too!

  4. You also need to be making sure you pay Japan taxes on your remote work regardless of if it’s allowed or not.

  5. Japanese law seems to indicate that you’d be committing a crime (see [here]( and the statutes referenced therein, which also, by the way, seems to indicate that it’s illegal to access uncensored porn even in non-Japanese sites).

    On the other hand, it’s very unlikely anyone would know what you’re doing or bother prosecuting you for it. It’s more likely you’ll run into trouble with violating the part-time work or tax rules.

  6. You are likely doing something that could get you in trouble but in reality won’t.
    Your risk would be more if you are accused of another crime and this came up in the investigation and used against you.

  7. I would honestly consult with a lawyer here in Japan. We can all say here that we guess it’s ok but I would check it with a professional to be sure about the risk.

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