Recommended Credit Card or Bank Account


I am moving to Tokyo this year and was doing my own financial research on which bank account / credit card I should get as a foreigner at first. Based on what I’ve found, I heard Mizuho is just so bad and their server / system isn’t too stable. As per credit card, I was thinking of getting JAL mileage related card or Marriot Bonvoy AMEX premium. I’m not a huge spender but I’ve been buying free flights and hotels with my AMEX points in US, which I would like to continue doing in Tokyo.

Hope this allowed to be discussed here. Thank you for everyone’s time.

\*\* I acknowledge that none of these comments are financial advices \*\*

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    **Recommended Credit Card or Bank Account**


    I am moving to Tokyo this year and was doing my own financial research on which bank account / credit card I should get as a foreigner at first. Based on what I’ve found, I heard Mizuho is just so bad and their server / system isn’t too stable. As per credit card, I was thinking of getting JAL mileage related card or Marriot Bonvoy AMEX premium. I’m not a huge spender but I’ve been buying free flights and hotels with my AMEX points in US, which I would like to continue doing in Tokyo.

    Hope this allowed to be discussed here. Thank you for everyone’s time.

    ** I acknowledge that none of these comments are financial advices **

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  2. Your main problem will be getting a credit card at all. Most people get declined over and over again at the beginning until they have at least one card. So rather than which ones you want you should consider which ones are easier to get.

    Rakuten and Amazon cards are considered easier to get than others. Once you have at least one card and pay it on time for a while, you will be able to get the cards you want.

  3. Prestia are ok. My company helped get me set up with them a couple of weeks after arrival, current, savings, multi-currency, and credit card accounts. We also have our mortgage with them. Their online banking is “ok.”

    I also use Mizuho. I don’t have many complaints. Their online banking is like a primitive cave painting. Their mainframes seem to let the magic smoke out regularly enough that the FSA(?) like to see them bow 91° on a monthly schedule. Just don’t ever try and deposit a strange foreign cheque into your Mizuho account.

    Nobody really knows what 2FA is here.

    Pro-Tip: Get a friendly OL ally to go with you to the bank, and she will smash their heads on the counter until they give up and let you in. You’ll probably have to use your company’s preferred bank to begin with anyway, path of least resistance and all that.

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