Foreign minors who grow up in Japan to be eligible for residence

Foreign minors who grow up in Japan to be eligible for residence

  1. As a Canadian, I naively thought most countries granted full citizenship through birthright. ~~with the US being an exception to prevent tourism citizenship.~~ (edit2: good grief, US birthright policy isn’t the point of my comment. Stop being so defensive and stay on topic, folks. We’re here to discuss Japan.)

    (edit: reading the page found at after I read the posted article was informative and educational, which is why I admitted my naivety in regards to birthright citizenship, because Canada has a policy of unrestricted *jus soli* and I didn’t realise this wasn’t the norm)

    What is the normal condition for a child of of foreign national? Can a foreign national wed a Japanese citizen and retain foreign citizenship while their children are granted full citizenship?

    Additionally, is this an indication that the government finally beginning recognise that opening the country to more immigration is the only feasible solution to the falling birth rates and the worker shortage that will continue to increase as the older generations age out of the workforce?

  2. It’s worth pointing out for those who can’t read Japanese, that on a site like jp yahoo news, of the 254 comments I scrolled through, there was overwhelming opposition to this (I saw the same on twitter, but the algorithm promotes echo chambers there so that’s more to be expected).

  3. As a Japanese, I welcome the new decision.
    It’s humanely, and if they glew up in Japan using japanese tax, it’d be silly not to encourage them stay in Japan and contribute to thd japanese society.

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