unpaid insurance: seeking guidance on addressing it after moving to a new ward

i moved back to japan in january and got extremely sick, which lasted until april ꒰⸝⸝◡.◡꒱ during that time, i realized that i never paid for my insurance[not for any of the months not even a first payment]. now, i’m wondering how i should go about rectifying this situation… unfortunately, i no longer have my “pay” sheet i received to pay at the conbini. my first thought was to visit the ward office, but my lease has ended and will be moving from my old ward to a new one when i return to japan. so, i’m unsure whether i should go to the old ward office or the new one to address this issue. any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
[ i live in japan i just went home for treatment and will be back next week ]

  1. When you move, you must transfer your resident registration. Have you completed it yet? Or have you not done so yet?

    In other words, at which ward office is your certificate of residence currently located? You should go there regardless of where you actually live.

  2. You have to go to your old ward to declare that you’re moving and submit 転出届 so they can give you a 転出証明書 that you will need when registering to your new ward where you will be submitting 転入届 and the 転出証明書 you received from your former ward.

    They might ask you to pay for the insurance, but if they don’t mention anything and if you’re thinking of staying in Japan long term it’s better not to have unpaid insurance. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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