Seeking Advice: Pursuing a MEXT Scholarship & Studying in Japan – Navigating University Options and Major Choices

Hello everyone,

I’m a South African currently an A-level student taking Mathematics, Business, and Computer Science, and I’m excited to be writing my final exams next year in May/June. One of my passions is learning Japanese, and I’m confident that I’ll reach N2 level proficiency by the time I finish my final exams. My ultimate goal is to attend a Japanese University, but I’ve come across some challenges with the complex bureaucracy involved in the process.

While searching for options, I found the MEXT scholarship application on the South African Embassy of Japan website (link: [\_en/MEXT\_Scholarship.html]( However, I’m still a bit unsure about how the whole process works and was hoping to get some guidance from you all.

Here are some specific questions I have:

1. Will passing the MEXT exam negate the need for EJU and JLPT exams?
2. If the MEXT exam is sufficient, how does the university selection process work? Do I apply for universities, or is that taken care of by the scholarship? If it is, how?
3. I’m really interested in studying Computer Science at a top Japanese university, but I noticed that the MEXT application guide doesn’t provide an option for this major. The closest option is “Information Engineering,” but it requires testing in two science subjects like Physics and Chemistry, which I haven’t studied. Any suggestions on how to approach this?

4.My second choice would be business-related majors such as Business, Finance, Accounting, or Economics. I’m torn between these options and would appreciate any insights or advice on which one to choose.

5.Let’s say I get accepted into a business-related major for my undergraduate studies. In the future, I would like to switch to Computer Science for my graduate degree. I don’t mind pursuing my graduate studies in a Western country, as it would only take around two years. However, I’m hesitant about doing a four-year undergraduate degree in a Western country, as that would be quite lengthy. My main goal is to spend a significant portion of my early adult life in Japan, rather than just being there after four years.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone who has experience with the MEXT scholarship or studying in Japan could shed some light on these matters. Your advice and insights would mean a lot to me. Thank you all in advance for your help!

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    **Seeking Advice: Pursuing a MEXT Scholarship & Studying in Japan – Navigating University Options and Major Choices**

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you’re all doing well. I’m currently an A-level student taking Mathematics, Business, and Computer Science, and I’m excited to be writing my final exams next year in May/June. One of my passions is learning Japanese, and I’m confident that I’ll reach N2 level proficiency by the time I finish my final exams. My ultimate goal is to attend a Japanese University, but I’ve come across some challenges with the complex bureaucracy involved in the process.

    While searching for options, I found the MEXT scholarship application on the South African Embassy of Japan website (link: However, I’m still a bit unsure about how the whole process works and was hoping to get some guidance from you all.

    Here are some specific questions I have:

    1. Will passing the MEXT exam negate the need for EJU and JLPT exams?

    2. If the MEXT exam is sufficient, how does the university selection process work? Do I apply for universities, or is that taken care of by the scholarship? If it is, how?

    3. I’m really interested in studying Computer Science at a top Japanese university, but I noticed that the MEXT application guide doesn’t provide an option for this major. The closest option is “Information Engineering,” but it requires testing in two science subjects like Physics and Chemistry, which I haven’t studied. Any suggestions on how to approach this?

    4.My second choice would be business-related majors such as Business, Finance, Accounting, or Economics. I’m torn between these options and would appreciate any insights or advice on which one to choose.

    5.Let’s say I get accepted into a business-related major for my undergraduate studies. In the future, I would like to switch to Computer Science for my graduate degree. I don’t mind pursuing my graduate studies in a Western country, as it would only take around two years. However, I’m hesitant about doing a four-year undergraduate degree in a Western country, as that would be quite lengthy. My main goal is to spend a significant portion of my early adult life in Japan, rather than just being there after four years.

    I would be extremely grateful if anyone who has experience with the MEXT scholarship or studying in Japan could shed some light on these matters. Your advice and insights would mean a lot to me. Thank you all in advance for your help!

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