Teacher Water Cooler – Month of August 2023

Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.

Please keep discussions civilized. Mods will remove any offending posts.

  1. Hot Topic: Reflexivity is the process in which we rationalize our ideas for something, as well as reflecting on successes and failures and why. However, many novice educators and even senior educators often do not utilize reflexive practices.

    **In what ways do you use reflexive practices?**

    [(There will be a 2-day workshop on this in August held by JACET. So if you are interested, it might be good to participate)](https://jacet.org/ees/)

    By the way, I have no affiliation with JACET nor will I be able to participate in this workshop. I just thought it was interesting as someone who is currently going through my own reflexive approaches in my research.

  2. In a workplace or department what is a good way of promoting the sharing ideas and letting people feel safe critiquing and being critiqued without everyone feeling inferior or superior to each other. My general experience is some people can get really lectury. This in turn just shuts off the entire process.

  3. There was someone yesterday who made a post about trying to get a direct-hire contract. That post is now deleted.

    To OP: If you are reading this and want to talk about options to a reasonable person, please send me a PM. I think a lot of people were unnecessarily rude to you in the comments.

    A lot of people in Japan on Reddit tend to be really shitty people. I also don’t understand why the ALT community is so negative to anyone trying to better their career. It’s probably that you’re all struggling to string together your own careers. “Crab Bucket Mentality” is the term, I think.

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