Best place for mental help.

Didn’t know if I should make a throw away account or not. Might as well own it.

Dunno if it’s a midlife crisis. A brick wall. A series of shitty events piled onto each other.

All I know if shit ain’t right up stairs. I’m aware of them enough to know something isn’t right, just feeling trapped and with out options. Anyone know the best way to seek mental support?

I know mental health isn’t taken as serious in Japan as it is in western society. It’s part of the trapped feeling.

I’ve thought about heading back to my home country to seek help, but somehow that only makes things worse.

  1. I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Do you have a trusted friend you can talk things out with in the meantime?

    Professional mental health support here is usually psychiatry – medicine for depression, anxiety, etc. It’s covered by insurance so it’s cheap.

    But I’m not sure if you’d benefit from medicine over talking with a psychologist. They can work with you to interrogate your feelings and give you strategies to deal with them. There are therapists available who specialize in this, but if you need English/other language support then your location will play a big role (unless you’re happy to use online services). This is unfortunately not covered and can be expensive – but your mental health is worth the investment (in my opinion anyway).

    Either way, I’d search the sub and see if you can find some (recent) recommendations for your area.

  2. If you aren’t in immediate life-threatening crisis (and it doesn’t sound like you are, forgive me if I’m wrong), you can find many counselors or therapy providers in your home country who do sessions online. Although it can be expensive, it is cheaper than the kind of trouble you can get yourself into if your mental state continues to deteriorate. I, unfortunately, found this out the hard way. I encourage everybody to do some form of therapy.

  3. I have heard a lot from [Bette health]( from ads but haven’t tried out myself. The way I did it was to find someone back home who would be willing to have sessions with me online. And it worked pretty well, and it was way cheaper than here.

  4. Dunno about you but I feel much better after a long trip back to my country and spending time with family and friends. Does wonders for my mental health.

  5. I am going to my first session today at Polaris in Ichigaya, Tokyo. They do online sessions as well.

    A really good friend of mine recommended them, they lived for quite some time in the US and culturally bring a mix of cultures and use CBT as their approach.

    I don’t know, again first session today, but no one here has recommended it.

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