Changing visa status after expiration.

I’ve been on a work visa for a while but recently finished my job and am preparing to go back home. In the bustle of wrapping stuff up though I completely forgot about the timeline for changing to temporary visitor (because my visa cut it pretty close to when my job ended and when I could get a flight).

The result being, by the time I can get down to the immigration office, I will have overstayed by about a week. If I’m forthcoming and show I plan to leave what’s the chance they’ll be understanding? Is it possible to change the status even after it expires?

  1. >If I’m forthcoming and show I plan to leave what’s the chance they’ll be understanding? Is it possible to change the status even after it expires?

    No one on Reddit can answer this (unless they work for Japan immigration)

    But you do have to report to immigration to get a reduced punishment for overstaying (FYI you will still get punished for it, just not as bad as you would for getting caught of overstaying)

    So make sure you stay in your property because if you get immigration checked by police, you’re fucked! And also hope you don’t get immigration checked by police on your way to to immigration.

    My diagnosis…. Learn how to adult. When you reside in a country you don’t hold nationality in, your visa maintenance and awareness is always one of your top priorities.

  2. Are you still valid at this moment? If so, DROP EVERYTHING and go to immigration first thing within the next 7 hours. You’ve fucked up big time.

    I have heard of cases of immigration being lenient though. Make sure you look extremely apologetic to the point you’re shitting your pants.

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