Question and thought about being a foreign student in Kyoto

Hi everyone !

First of all, sorry if my english is bad, it’s not my main language 🙂

After a trip in Japan last may, i started doing some research about language school. Since i preferred Kansai over Tokyo, i decided to look for language school in Kyoto and the KYOTO JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL caught my attention.

First of all, i want to know if you have heard of this language school and if yes, what did you heard/think about it.

Secondly, i know Kyoto is not reputed to be « a student city » but is it really difficult to meet people, making japanese friends, doing some activities (in general, hang out with japanese people to pratice) ? I also know Osaka is not far away for « bigger » events, but i want to know if Kyoto is suitable for hanging out occasionally ?

Also, do you have some feedback about the price and quality of life (type of housing, rent, food, restaurants, activities) ?

For people asking, i dont plan to enter a Japanese University or working in Japan, i just want to learn Japanese and “enjoy” a long foreign experience in Japan 🙂

Thank a lot !

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question and thought about being a foreign student in Kyoto**

    Hi everyone !

    First of all, sorry if my english is bad, it’s not my main language 🙂

    After a trip in Japan last may, i started doing some research about language school. Since i preferred Kansai over Tokyo, i decided to look for language school in Kyoto and the KYOTO JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL caught my attention.

    First of all, i want to know if you have heard of this language school and if yes, what did you heard/think about it.

    Secondly, i know Kyoto is not reputed to be « a student city » but is it really difficult to meet people, making japanese friends, doing some activities (in general, hang out with japanese people to pratice) ? I also know Osaka is not far away for « bigger » events, but i want to know if Kyoto is suitable for hanging out occasionally ?

    Also, do you have some feedback about the price and quality of life (type of housing, rent, food, restaurants, activities) ?

    For people asking, i dont plan to enter a Japanese University or working in Japan, i just want to learn Japanese and “enjoy” a long foreign experience in Japan 🙂

    Thank a lot !

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  2. Kyoto is absolutely a student city. There’s a bunch of unis here and tons of young people, and plenty to do. Rent is relatively cheap for my frame pf reference at least (depends on where you’re from), food is also cheap esp with the cheap yen, foreign food in Kyoto is more expensive than in other places though. Activities can range from free (hang out by the river, explore the neighborhoods) to cheap (go to temples/shrines, bars, karaoke etc), to expensive (tea ceremony with geiko etc) just like anywhere else. As you say, Osaka is right around the corner, and so are Nara, Kobe, Lake Biwa etc. Plenty to do

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