How to find work as fresh graduated management engineer

Hello everyone, I would like to ask an advice about how to find work in Japan.

I’m Italian and I graduated last December in management engineering (master degree) in a well known Italian university. In this moment I’m in Tokyo until the end of September and I’m currently enrolled in a Japanese language school. I don’t have a student or working visa, because I’m staying just for 3 months in total.

I would like to do a work experience here in Japan but I don’t know how to find something that suits me. A lot of companies ask for someone that already has work experiences and a working visa already.

Since I’m a fresh graduate I don’t have any work experience outside of the university unfortunately. I have a good level of English that I can demonstrate through ielts certificate, but unfortunately I don’t have a high level of Japanese.

Do you have any suggestions on how to find companies that would employ fresh graduates with a high level of English and willingness to learn?

Thank you all in advance

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How to find work as fresh graduated management engineer**

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask an advice about how to find work in Japan.

    I’m Italian and I graduated last December in management engineering (master degree) in a well known Italian university. In this moment I’m in Tokyo until the end of September and I’m currently enrolled in a Japanese language school. I don’t have a student or working visa, because I’m staying just for 3 months in total.

    I would like to do a work experience here in Japan but I don’t know how to find something that suits me. A lot of companies ask for someone that already has work experiences and a working visa already.

    Since I’m a fresh graduate I don’t have any work experience outside of the university unfortunately. I have a good level of English that I can demonstrate through ielts certificate, but unfortunately I don’t have a high level of Japanese.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to find companies that would employ fresh graduates with a high level of English and willingness to learn?

    Thank you all in advance

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  2. >Do you have any suggestions on how to find companies that would employ fresh graduates with a high level of English and willingness to learn?

    I suppose you could keep your eyes open for job fairs, but the wall you’re running up against is the Japanese method of hiring fresh graduates. In Japanese universities, students start looking for jobs sometime in their third year (of a four year program) so that by the time they graduate they’ve signed a contract and go straight from school into the workplace. Have a look at this wikipedia article: [](


    As you graduated at a school outside of Japan, you’re basically cut off from this system, which means the vast majority of no experience jobs are not available to you. The usual advice in this sub is to spend a few years in your home country getting experience and then look for an experienced hire position.


    Remember as you are applying, you are still a fresh graduate and even if you sign up for the engineering track, companies will still make you a general engineer during your first one or two years before you specialize.

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