Looking for advice on traveling outside of Japan


I am considering solo traveling abroad in the neighboring South East Asian countries mid-to-late September, and was hoping to hear other people’s experiences?

I really just want to chill in a resort like area with a nice beach. My top option right now is Da Nang or Quy Nhon in Vietnam but with all the traveling involved, I’m not sure if it is a great idea. With the flight and bus, it’s looking like 20-30 hours of travel one way.

Does anybody that traveled abroad from Narita/Haneda have any other good recommendations or positive experiences that they could share? Perhaps Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, ect.? I have a Japanese passport so I believe I will not require a visa for most countries.

Also, I am a college student so a relatively budget option would be great. Although, it looks like the exchange rate is pretty favorable somehow.

Thank you so much in advance!

  1. Does your goal of “chilling in a resort area with a nice beach” not be fulfilled in Okinawa or Guam or something simpler? Considering the costs of travel. I went to a resort in Thailand once but by the time you get there (plane then various buses + the heat) you basically spend all your time at the resort recovering from the travel.

    If Japan isn’t an option then South Korea would be my pick. Cheaper than Japan but without the risks associated with SE Asian counties (heat, corrupt police, scammers, etc).

  2. >I have a Japanese passport so I believe I will not require a visa for most countries.

    Be sure to double check this, I remember my friends who are married (Japanese & Australian) wanted to visit Vietnam or Thailand and started planning their trip without checking. It turns out they need a visa for Vietnam. This was 10 years ago, so rules may have changed.

  3. Bali might be nice destination too since the island is pretty small, and it should be pretty easy to even just rent motorcycle there.

  4. Check out Fiji. It’s beautiful and not completely overrun by tourists. New Caledonia as well.

  5. Jehu Island and Busan in Korea mostly fit those criteria, but these days Korea – Japan flights can be even more expensive than Vietnam, which can be verrrrry cheap (at least flying out of Korea). Considering the difference in cost once you’re in the country, I’d just go to Vietnam … Da Nang, Hoi An, etc.

  6. Check on a direct flight to Cebu, then (if the resorts there are not to your liking or price range) try a nearby island.

  7. Giving a little bit more information. Might give you some better options.

    1. How long is this trip?
    2. How are you willing to spend?
    3. Have you done solo travel before?

    You should really read up on the weather in the places you go. Typhoon at monsoon season are happening in some of the places you talked about during that time.

  8. Thailand is a great place to visit … as is Malaysia and Vietnam … don’t think you need a visa for any of these

  9. Taiwan is a fantastic place to visit. Flights are relatively short, and there are so many things to do.

  10. Philippines is in monsoon, you need to check as each country in the region has different rainy seasons and in some cases different halves of the same country, eg Malaysia or Thailand.

    Bali (not all of Indo, just Bali zone) is not in monsoon now but IS allegedly full of obnoxious Aussies escaping winter so I dunno which is worse tbh. Daily afternoon rain heavier than seems physically even possible (imagine buckets dumped fully on your head, for at least a couple of hours a day), or sunny Bali surrounded by the kind of Aussies who honestly shouldn’t be allowed to have a passport causing drunken ruckus 24/7.

    Flights are super cheap to destinations in much of SEA for a reason at this time of year 🌧️

  11. South Taiwan is often overlooked but is close, cheap, has beautiful landscape, great food and friendly people.

  12. Thailand: Krabi / Koh Phi Phi: hot, beautiful, and many affordable resorts to choose from (I’d wait until around mid-November to go, due to the rainy season).

  13. Cambodia, Long Beach. Haven’t been in about 5 years, but very few tourists and inexpensive.

  14. I’m a bit confused because you mentioned Southeast Asia and then mentioned South Korea later on. Anyway, here are my suggestions based on your budget and number of days you stated somewhere in the comments:

    * South Korea and Taiwan: both could easily fit in your budget. If you have never been there, I’d suggest you do some quick research. If you love their food, then just book it!
    * Thailand: you mentioned beaches, so I’d suggest either Krabi or Phuket. The Japanese yen (JPY) has weakened, but it is still good in comparison to the Thai Baht. You can get plenty of tropical fruits and yummy food while enjoying your beach vacation.
    * Philippines: Cebu. Beach and yummy food.
    * Indonesia: Bali. Beach and yummy food.
    * Malaysia: I’ve not particularly explored the beaches, but the food in Penang is God level.
    * Fiji: I loved the Fijian people and their beautiful beaches.

    All the options above fit your budget, covering accommodation, food, and transportation.

    I’ve been to Vietnam a few times, but not to the places you mentioned or any beaches in particular, so I don’t have any opinion.

  15. Its typhoon season in the Philippines right now, so plan accordingly 😬🙃🙃

  16. There’s a direct flight from Tokyo to Da Nang (5.5 hours). From Da Nang Airport to the city center is only 15 minutes by car, easy access by taxi or Grab. I didn’t go to Quy Nhon but I visited Hue and Hoi An. None of those places involved 20-30 hours bus/trains/flight from Da Nang.

  17. Bali is awesome and decently affordable. Cambodia is not really a beach destination but it’s super cheap and really chill

  18. If you want white sand beaches, Philippines is the way to go. Choose from Siargao, El Nido, Coron, Boracay.

  19. You can fly into Da Nang and it’s really lovely. Is on the rise so you’ll want to catch it sooner than later. You can also do a day or two side trip to Hoi An about 39 minutes south.

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