Paying rent in Japan

This may be a silly question, but I know the initial cost of renting in Japan is often 4 or more full months of rent. Does that money get taken out of the rent I have to pay every month? (Ei. If I have to pay the equivalent of 5 months rent, does that mean I will not pay rent for 5 months OR will I pay that on top of paying in full for every month I am there?)

Thanks so much for any replies

  1. You will pay your deposit, key money, and one or two months of rent upfront, and then pay your monthly rent.

  2. No. You pay rent the following month. It’s just like a damage deposit, that you won’t get back.

  3. The other replies are correct, you’ll pay each month, with the caveat that you may not have to pay the last month if part of the payment is to pay in advance. I didn’t have to pay my last month.

  4. ESID. Also depends on if you’re in teachers housing or renting an apartment yourself, etc.

    I paid the deposit (which I will not get back even if the apartment is spotless and in good condition), key money, the prorated rent for the current month and the next month’s rent, and lots of miscellaneous fees and they slapped an additional 10% “tax” on top of the total.

    They might even charge you quite a hefty amount for “cleaning fees” regardless if you want to or not.

  5. ESID
    I didn’t have to pay key money or a deposit as I’m in BOE housing.
    I did however have to buy a car in the first week or so which was ¥500,000 or walk and hour each way. Sooo swings and roundabouts.

  6. I didn’t have to pay a deposit ot key money or any rent up front. I am in a BOE apartment though. It really does just depend.

  7. Moving in costs typically include the pro-rated first (non-full) month’s rent and the first full month’s rent. Your automatic bank transfer typically starts the second full month. This is also true when joining a gym or other monthly services.

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