Delayed shipping from Amazon with convenience store payment?

Due to an issue with my credit card, I recently made a couple of orders from Amazon (direct from Amazon, not third party) using convenience store payment. In both cases I made the payment and received confirmation of receipt of payment from Amazon within a couple hours of placing the order. In both cases Amazon took several days to ship the order, despite advertising next-day delivery at the time I ordered.

They do warn that convenience store payment can delay shipping, but I assumed that this meant that shipment would be delayed until the payment was made, not for a whole week.

I asked customer support, and the rep suggested buying an Amazon gift card from the convenience store and using that to make purchases, but I couldn’t get a straight answer on how convenience store payment affects shipping time.

Is this consistent with others’ experience? Does convenience store payment consistently result in shipment being delayed by several days?

  1. Yes, Amazon deliveries can be delayed for a variety of reasons.

    The standard shipping time for orders paid at convenience stores is 1-2 days. If it takes longer, Amazon usually sends an e-mail with additional info.

  2. I think the longest I waited was 3 days. Usually it would ship the next day. Recently it’s been 2 days.

  3. Yes. Payments by konbini barcodes are not reflected in real time, just like if you forgot an electricity bill so late they cut off your electricity, even if you go to pay right away it’ll take them a couple days to turn it back on.

  4. Amazon cannot confirm conbini payment for some time, so yes, will affect your shipping

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