I’ve always loved Shingo’s entrance: simple, striking, stoic, and cool. The music is perfect and the dragon snout mask is next level.

I’ve always loved Shingo’s entrance: simple, striking, stoic, and cool. The music is perfect and the dragon snout mask is next level.

  1. I’ve always loved Shingo.

    I’d make him champ again in a heartbeat, will be a tragedy if he never gets another reign.

  2. Aesthetically hes one of my favorite wrestlers. Even when he’s wincing in pain he makes it look cool.

    Yota Tsuji has a similar smirk as Shingo and it has quickly endeared me to him. Would love to see them team up

  3. Really liked the chaoticness of his G1 match with Nicholls. He’s definitely ecoming one of my favorite wrestlers.

  4. I remember at FD in Chicago he pointed at my sign and I even during his entrance and it made my year

  5. shingo has been my fav wrestler for awhile now, mans is a star and i always find myself getting hype when he does his “let’s go go go”

  6. He’s been my favorite for the past few years. I have zero complaints about him. He was the only person to properly sell the Money Clip at G1 Climax 30 when Okada was having trouble getting it over.

  7. I’ve been a big fan of Shingo’s since he challenged Morishima for the ROH championship. It seemed like a big deal because Shingo was basically an indy wrestler and Morishima was making big waves in NOAH. It was a really good showing for Shingo as the match fucking rocked.

  8. I remember one day I had a really high fever and I was watching the BoSJ live where he was the final boss, he just beat Ishimorii I think and I was slowly getting to sleep after the match ended, with his theme playing on the background. I was like “yeah the dragon still kills you fuckers”, I will always remember the theme with love for that.

  9. This tranquilo boys are not just 5 guys , they are all special !! ( shots fired at those luxurious hair bastards

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