Do clinics call you with your results or do you have to go back in?

Went to a ladies’ clinic for testing a few weeks ago, but haven’t heard back from them. Does this mean there was nothing to worry about, or do I have to go back in to ask about results? Not familiar with the process in Japan.

  1. Rather than it being a “Japan” thing, it’s a clinic thing. You should probably ask them about the results if they haven’t said anything yet. Usually that’s something they would tell you after the initial appointment.

  2. In my experience they try to get you to come back even just to tell you a test result was negative…

  3. Did they not tell you when to come back? Whenever I have testing done, they always say it takes x days and then I go back for the results. I’ve never been to a place where they give the info on the phone but that might just be where I live.

  4. Lol just today I wasted a half hour of my life here in Kanagawa at the ladies clinic, just to be told the test results were fine. It’s unavoidable in my experience. They refuse to tell you over the phone or by mail so they can charge you for another visit 💸

    But yeah, are you sure they didn’t tell you when the results would be ready? You have to book another appointment and go back… that’s how it’s been done at every OBGYN I’ve been to here.

  5. If you haven’t heard back and don’t have a follow up appointment already booked, then you should call and ask.

    A friend of mine’s dad had a biopsy on a tumor done many years ago (in Canada) and the clinic never called back with the results so he assumed he was fine. He was not fine. While the wrongful death settlement his widow got was nice, everyone would have preferred that he had called the clinic when he hadn’t heard back in the few days they originally said it would take for the results to come in.

  6. Depends on the clinic. Last time I went I got my results by postal mail, but that was clearly explained in the initial visit. You should call and ask and will probably be asked to come back in 🤣

  7. Mine send me a letter. If not they should tell you before you leave how to receive it

  8. Usually they make you come back in or once my husband got a letter with the results. Only once I got a phone call to give me them. Or more like he said if he doesn’t call that means my results are fine(I was really busy that day so told him I didn’t know if I’d answer if he called).

  9. A ladies’ clinic I go to asks me to book another appointment at the end of the visit to come back and discuss results if there were any tests performed.
    You could call and ask to book an appointment for when the results are ready.

  10. My doctor said it was a national health insurance policy thing. She said they will email me my blood results but another consultation is needed to talk about the results. So I asked if she could write any information about the results in the email and she said no.

  11. They usually give you a second appointement for the results, or ask you to come / take a new appointment a few days later

  12. My clinic tries to get me to come in and usually I relent as part of the whole ‘don’t question medical professionals’ culture. If I can’t and give them a good reason they’ll email the results.

  13. They’ll usually tell you roughly when the results will be available after they’ve taken them. You usually have to go back to find out the results even if there’s nothing wrong.

  14. They take every chance they can get to charge you for another visit. It’s rediculous. I had a dentist here in Okinawa that wanted me to come back in for six visits to clean my teeth. They wanted to split the cleaning up so they could charge the full amount to the insurance six times. They are all fraudsters and should be imprisoned. Needless to say I found a new dentist, because I’m not dealing with that B.S.

  15. Generally they require you to go in even if you’re fine. You’re normally told to come back in X days to see the results or even asked to schedule the follow up appointment before leaving.

    I wish more clinics would just call or email the results.

  16. It really depends on the doctor and the type of test that you had run. Typically, my doctor will email me the results vs calling.

  17. My clinic has a 郵送 (mailed results) option, which I request when I’m checking out. It usually costs a few hundred yen and guarantees your results will get to you without having to come in for yet another appointment.

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