Help! eSIM with a student visa?

For reference, my phone is an international iPhone SE 2nd generation. I have a student visa/Zairyu Card right now and I would like to get a Japanese (preferably MVNO-based) eSIM. Also, I’m from Singapore and currently use Singtel, which means I cannot convert my plan to an eSIM nor can I transfer my number to Google Voice. Given I would like to have my Singapore number and a new Japanese number, what is my best course of option?

So sorry if this might be a repetitive question, but I know LINEMO and ahamo can both be a bit strange with their permanent residency requirements, and I’ve also heard a lot of conflicting information across the board, so I wanted to ask here to double check.

  1. >Given I would like to have my Singapore number and a new Japanese number, what is my best course of option?

    buy a second phone

  2. iPhone SE 2 supports esim. Is your singapore number a regular sim? you should be able to use both. Povo 2.0 is free to sign up and get esim (assuming you have paperwork to prove your residency) and has some not too terrible data plans if you don’t need “100gb per month”.

    Anyway, I’m not sure if you’re asking which provider offers esim (a lot do these days) or whether your phone supports it? If the latter, yes supports. Pick any mvno (or carrier) that you want.

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