Name arrangement on credit card is wrong

So I just received my new credit card this week. The spelling of my name is correct but it is arranged with my middle name first, then my last and my first name (last and first name has no spacing in between). Is this okay or should I request for another card? I was just wondering if this would be a problem for online transactions cause I think it’ll be fine for in-person purchases. Thank you in advance for your answers.

  1. It will probably cause problems. I’ve had online transactions rejected due to non matching names.

  2. Yes, it can be an issue. When this happened to me (first name last name switched) I called them and had them fix it, they sent me a new card no problem.

  3. You should try to keep the name on your account consistent, but if you just mean the name written on the physical card, you can sometimes use a short version of your name (versus the full legal name). The rules vary by credit card company

    I have 2 cards with 2 different companies and neither of them have my full name (nor the shortened legal alias even). One is even just my first initial + last name, the other is the common nickname for someone with my first name + last name. Neither has my middle name printed on it

  4. I once received a credit card with my name spelled as the katakana pronunciation. I thought about it for awhile but then realized I couldn’t even be bothered trying to get that fixed. No issues so far.

  5. Request a name change application (名義変更申請).

    It’s typically quick and painless. Make special note of the your requested name order.

  6. It is worth trying to sort out. If not, at least keep a good record of what you use the card for, particularly any subscriptions. I had a nightmare trying to cancel a subscription because they were being complete dicks about my name being “different” (although if not the name I am sure they would have found some other reason to delay – it was SkyPerfect by the way)

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