itinerary check Chubu + Kyoto? Mid – End October

Doing a quick itinerary check + hoping to get some good recommendations. I will not be driving, so will be reliant on buses/trains with luggage.


|Day 1 – 2|Takayama|I intend to take it slow here. As i would have returned from a hike at KamiKochi the night before. Intend to follow guides such as this: [\_article=1]( one – Miyagawa Morning Market, Yoshijima Heritage House, Takayama Festival Float Exhibition Hall, Sakurayama Hachiman Shrine, Higashiyama Walking Course. Day two – Hida village/Shirakawa-go.|1) Would Shirakawa-go be worthwhile at this point of the year? I read that going to the Hida folk village (which is nearer) would give a similar experience. 2) Any good recommendations for Hida beef?|
|Day 3|Toyama|I will arrive at Toyama the night before. Intend to take a full day trip to Tateyama.|1) Are there other places in Toyama of interest/recommendation? I plan to visit the glass museum before going over to Kanazawa on day 4.|
|Day 4 – 5|Kanazawa|[]( Essentially, Kanazawa station, Kenroku-en, Kanazawa Castle Park, Oyama Jinja Shrine, Omi-cho Market, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishiura Jinja Shrine, Kazue-machi Chaya District, Higashi Chaya District (Higashiyama).|1) Anywhere else i should include?|
|Day 6|Ostu/Hikone|I hope to visit lake Biwa but is really undecided where would be the best. I am looking at either Ostu or Hikone (given that they are on opposite sides of the lake).|1) Hope to get some advice here.|
|Day 7 – 9|Kyoto|This will actually be my second visit to Kyoto. I have done most of the standard attractions on my last visit (which i spent around 3 – 4 days). I will still be visiting Fushimi Inari, Arashiyama and Kiyomizudera again.|1) Any off the norm areas to recommend?|
|Day 10 – 12|Nagoya|One day for Nagoya itself. One day for Ghibli park (Only grandwarehouse as the rest are sold out). One day for Nakasendo.||

My main concern/doubt is for Day 6 to Lake Biwa right now. Cant seem to find an itinerary that makes sense for me.

The second visit to Kyoto (day 7 – 9) is optional for me. But in the lack of a better itinerary to fill those days, I tentatively plan to revisit the city (which I really love from my last visit). But am open to shortening it if there are other recommendations.

Other areas I have considered:

1. Takaoka – But seems like there isnt much.
2. Fukui – I thought of crossing out a visit to this prefecture. But other than the Dinosaur museum, there isnt other attraction.
3. Ise – which is a huge huge detour for this itinerary. Again for the flippant reason of crossing out a visit to Mie prefecture.

Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Hi!

    Make sure you know when the trains are from Takayama to Toyama. There are only 8 a day (4 Hida and 4 locals) They are not spaced out to cover times when the other is not running. Though another option would be to take the bus there after visiting Shirakawa Go rather than backtracking to Takayama . Another option would be to do Takayama to Shirakawa Go to Kanazawa and then just stay in Kanazawa the whole time without a night in Toyama, since it should only take about 25 more minutes on a relatively frequent train to get to Toyama to start the Alpine route. It definitely helps you depending on how much stuff you have.

    You could conceivably do Hikone and Otsu depending on what you wanted to do in Otsu (and then stay the night in Otsu.) You would take the train to Maibara and switch there.

    If you change your mind about Fukui there is Tojimbo, which is pretty interesting and Eiheiji on top of the Dinosaur museum.

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