Do I need to introduce myself to my neighbors and bring a small gift at a Village House apartment?

I know it’s customary to intron Duce yourself to your new neighbors in Japan and bring a small gift to start things off on the right foot. With a Village House having a mix of different cultures is this necessary? I was just thinking if I did the neighbors I share a wall with and maybe a small box of tissue which I hear is just fine?

  1. It’s more customary for actual houses because the implication is you’re now neighbors for an extended (years) period of time.

    For an apartment building less so. It’s up to you to gauge once you see your immediate neighbors in passing. Use your intuition and yaknow, just be friendly.

  2. Not really needed, but it would be a nice gesture.

    My wife an I didn’t when we lived in apartments, but after moving into our house, we did.

  3. I remember getting so stressed about doing this to only realize that none of my Japanese neighbors did it at all for apartments lol

  4. Not really customary unless you’re living in a house. Less customary entirely these days anyway. Wouldn’t worry about it, just say hello if you see someone in passing.

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