Japan sushi chain drops suit against teen over soy sauce bottle prank

Japan sushi chain drops suit against teen over soy sauce bottle prank


  1. Shame. I’m sure the kid won’t do it again, but dropping a suit for a payout isn’t a good look to the other social media idiots, who now know that money can make their idiocy acceptable.

  2. I returned to Sushiro last week, stepping through its doors after almost a decade. A wave of nostalgia hit me as I recalled my weekly visits ten years ago when every sushi plate was a mere 100 yen. The transformation over the years has been substantial and, unfortunately, not for the better.

    The price hikes were the first thing that struck me. The black plates in the photo, once synonymous with 100 yen sushi, are now a stark reminder of the past.

    The menu too has evolved significantly. During my latest visit, I found myself having to order individually, with the conveyor belt surprisingly sparse. I settled for ramen and a selection of egg-based dishes, as the once abundant 100 yen fish options, like sushi, were now a rarity. Only some bonito was left.

    It’s alarming to consider that Sushiro, a place once famed for its fish-based sushi, may soon pivot entirely towards meat plates and their signature fried shrimp sushi roll. The golden days of affordable sushi at Sushiro seem to be fading into history.

    Additional changes that caught my attention were the acrylic screens, a new barrier separating diners from the sushi on the conveyor belt. Moreover, the ginger, once a simple garnish, was now served in a pool of liquid – a first in my sushi dining experience.

    The Sushiro I once knew and loved has morphed into something different. It’s a poignant reminder of the fluidity of time, and how change, inevitable as it is, can sometimes leave us yearning for simpler times.

  3. It’s definitely gone downhill. In 2012 I thought sushiro had the best ice cream in Japan. I know, fight me. But that certainly isn’t the case now.

    I almost never ordered off the screen back then, now there’s nothing on the belt.

  4. So this is the little bastard that licked the soy sauce bottle and put his finger in his mouth and touched plates of sushi as they went by. Disgusting, but I think this has played out as it should. Just a stupid kid doing stupid shit.

    But the other little bastards in other videos spraying the fucking sushi with alcohol should receive absolutely NO mercy from the courts. They’re the ones who should be made examples of. Saliva is one thing, but alcohol? That could make someone seriously ill if ingested.

    I wish Elon Musk could buy TikTok so he could run that into the ground like he’s doing to Twitter. Both of those are blights on humanity.

  5. All those comments saying that there was no sushi on the conveyer belt and yoh have to order individually. THIS CASE IS THE REASON WHY. They stopped doing non-ordered conveyer sushi to stop more things like this happening.

  6. I’m glad that nonsense is over. The whole thing was ridiculous. IANAL there never seemed to be be a case in it for the company. If there was, any company could sue anyone over a bad review, couldn’t they?

    I’m happy for the family that this is over. Must have been hell for them.

  7. You guys are being a bit ruthless. People are capable of change and it wouldn’t even be him paying in the first place. It would’ve crippled the entire family in a time of economic decline. He was publicly shamed in a country that is pretty ruthless about what shame does to your character. (Meaning I believe having the entire country know of your actions is justice enough for a dumb teen) Yes he was stupid but man let him have a life and a chance to turn a new leaf.

    I think the company is extremely kind for dropping the lawsuit and not putting the family in debt for decades

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