I don’t know if this is very authentic sushi, but this place near me does something called a ‘volcano roll’ which I believe includes unagi, even though most places call something else a volcano roll.
[Here’s a picture](https://i.imgur.com/rjHT0j3.jpg)
Anyway, the sauce on this is super delicious and I want to make it myself. Do you have any idea what it could be? It’s clearly mayonnaise based and is creamy, but there’s other stuff, it has a slightly fishy taste, and there’s darker streaks here so I’m guessing it also is mixed with unagi no tare or something?
If I’m not mistaken, volcano rolls are typically topped with a creamy sauce made of mayonnaise and sriracha and then sometimes, as seems to be the case here, a drizzle of eel sauce.
I’m sure some places make it differently, though. Sounds like a fun bit of trial and error lol
It’s one of my absolute favorite rolls
Looks like bang bang sauce and unagi sauce
I’m wondering if the dark sauce might be something like takoyaki sauce. Sweet and savory with a hint of what could be Worcester sauce?
BTW, sushi rolls like that were created in the US. Not really “authentic.”